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Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:27 am
by esmersev
Telephone has not shown as much effect on people’s lives as television has.

How far do you agree or disagree?


Television and telephone are the the examples of inventions that changed people's lives. It is agreed that effects of telephone is much higher than television. Thus, Telephone is primary device in our daily life and mobile phone makes our life easier. These points of view will be discussed in order.

Firstly, it is common that people use telephones as primary device. They use telephone as communication device, messenger, television, radio and alarm clock. For example, I start using mu smart phone in morning with alarm clock, check my emails every hour, send short messages to my friends. This example clearly shows that telephone is the most useful device in our lives. This one of two important reason why i believe that telephone has more effects on people's lives that television.

Furthermore, telephone makes our life easier. For instance, I use GPS and map features of my smartphone if i do not know where i am going while i am driving. It helps me to spend less money for gas by telling me the shortest way. I spend less time to go to my destination. This can be seen that mobile phones makes our life easier. It is obvious that telephone is more beneficial that television in our daily life.

After analyzing the effects of television and telephone, it is obvious that television has not shown as much effect on people's lives as a telephone. Thus, both television and telephone has different effects. People should spend more time with their families.