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Task 2, please mark it for me according band description

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 4:17 pm
by aprodigy
Topic: Some people think children should obey rules and do what the teachers want them to do, others think controlled children are not prepared for children’s adult life in the future. Discuss both sides and give your opinion?

In today’s world, several factors play important roles in development of the children’s life. Some people are of the opinion that it is not enough for controlled children to prepare their adult life in the future. However, I believe that children should obey rules and instructions what the teachers suggest
From one side, following disciplines is considered as dispensable part for children. First of all, it is necessary to understand that laws and rules make a balance for society. Therefore, all people consisting of young children should obey these strictly so that our society is not chaotic. For example, in Vietnam, in order to increase the effective of teaching and learning, there are a large number of specialized schools which apply different disciplines such as wearing uniform and keeping silently in class. Furthermore, it is easier for adults to take care of their children thoughtfully over each development stages. In a little more detail, because of everyday habitats which teachers put forward children, they might catch the characteristics and behavior to help them more physically and mentally. As a result, negative behaviours are likely to correctly appropriately.
From other side, there are also strong reasons why controlled children are not prepared for their adult life. As a matter of the fact, parents and teachers with great experience have taught children all they know and they want their children do not make the same mistakes. That is the reason why controlled children rarely have to face to the difficulties and challenges in their life. However, it is clear that this might limit their creative in any situations. In fact, if a child have never got lost, he will never discover the way to save himself in other circumstances.
In general, we can not deny that controlling children and letting them do under the adults’ instructions brings some negatives for them. Nevertheless, I still strongly believe that both parents and teachers should take into consideration the children’s action and behaviour