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Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 5:12 am
by vikramraj
Hi All,
I got L-8,R-7,W-6.5,S-7 for the exam which i took on 10th May.I had done well in all the modules and was expecting a minimum of 7.5. I had taken additional sheet for writing essay and i had covered all the points of the question.
I would like to know what are the chances of increasing my score in Writing section by 0.5?
Is it worth applying for re-evaluation?Your suggestion is highly appreciated.


Re: Re-Evaluation

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 5:48 am
by mhingz
Hi Vikramraj,
If money is not an issue, then go for it. At least you will see what was your mistake which (for me) its an important thing.
Otherwise, if your tight with the budjet, better use the money for the next examination.
One thing i would stress though, don't expect a positive result if you will go with re-evaluation beecause it might disappoint you if they wont change the band score.
Sleep on it first before you decide.