Ielts Score

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Ielts Score

Post by wieisdemol »

Dear Ryan,
Because we applied for a university in Australia, we suddenly had to do the Ielts Test. We only had five weeks to learn in which we also had to work fulltime.
We started preparation by watching all your videos on youtube. We learned a lot from them. Thanks to you we both had the score we needed for the university (6 for each and overall at least 6.5)
We scored:

Writing 6
Speaking 7
Reading 8
Listening 9

Writing 6
Speaking 7
Reading 7.5
Listening 8

We were very happy with these results; we didn't know what to expect at all because it was our first Ielts Test.
So we wanted to say a great thank you to you and keep up the great work! :D
Best regards,

Bianca and Patricia from The Netherlands.
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Re: Ielts Score

Post by Ryan »

Hey guys,

Thank you for sharing the stories. I'm glad you scored the mark you needed. Good luck with university in Australia. :)
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