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Please provide feedback

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 1:12 am
by Deol
In some countries, with the widespread use of the internet, people are able to work or study from home, instead of having to travel to work or college. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Discuss and state your own opinion.
Nowadays, internet has become the hub of all sorts of knowledge, communication and day to day activities. Some critics believe that it is pulling us backwards by implicating a sedentary lifestyle. However, this is an undeniable fact that due to our life style, time saving and more efficient infrastructure and technology is in widely in use now. Internet is thus necessitated as it provides us all the resources for work study, right at our home.
Internet is provides ease of access for students, especially the ones who have to go out far places to get education. It sometimes put unnecessary burden on pupils, who are already overloaded with the level of study they are going through. All the necessary information and resources are provided to them internet such as lecture material, subject information and links to external websites for clarification of certain topics. In addition to that, you can interact with teachers and classmates through emails. This saves them from the hassle of hopping on to buses or trains and they can utilize that energy on some efficient work which will lead to their development.
On the other hand, heaps of distant work related activities relies on internet. In this world of globalization, several branches of the companies are spread all over the world. So, in order to communicate, the employees does not necessarily have to travel several thousand kilometers, instead, they can interact online. Several new applications of internet such video conferencing bring in the employees from across different nations, virtually together under the same roof. This further saves company’s spending on trips, which usually then, is allocated to other departments for better use.
To sum up, it can said that there is no denying the fact even when there are minimal disadvantages of internet, it has apparently turned out be a necessity of life, which increases our productivity of life through saving out time, money.

Re: Please provide feedback

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 7:18 am
by johnsky
The article lacks proper grammar, sentence structure and spelling mistake. It is described well, but you need to write proper way.

Re: Please provide feedback

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 9:41 am
by Deol
Thanks Johnsky. Much appreciated. Will work on that.

Re: Please provide feedback

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 9:24 pm
by Flick
Deol wrote:In some countries, with the widespread use of the internet, people are able to work or study from home, instead of having to travel to work or college. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Discuss and state your own opinion.

Nowadays, the Internet has become the hub of all sorts of knowledge, communication and day to day activities. Some critics believe that it is pulling us backwards by encouraginga sedentary lifestyle. (<-- A few more details here would help your meaning. For example, you could say, '...a sedentary lifestyle, which is affecting our health.') However, it is an undeniable fact that, due to our life style, time saving and more efficient infrastructure and technology is widely in use now. The Internet is thus necessitated as it provides us all the resources for work and study, right at home.

The Internet provides ease of access for students, especially the ones who have to go travel a long way to receive education. This need to travel sometimes puts an unnecessary burden on pupils, who are already overloaded with study. All the necessary information and resources can be provided to them through the Internet, including lecture materials, subject information and links to external websites for clarification of certain topics. In addition to that, you can interact with teachers and classmates through emails. This saves students from the stress and cost of hopping on to buses or trains and they can utilize their energy in a more positive way.

On the other hand, many work related activities rely on the Internet. In this world of globalization, many companies have several branches spread all over the world. So, in order to communicate, the employees do not necessarily have to travel several thousand kilometers. Instead, they can interact online. Several new applications of the Internet, such as video conferencing, make it possible for employees in different countries to communicate as if they were in the same room. This saves company spending on trips, which can then be allocated to other departments for better use.

To sum up, it can said that there is no denying the fact that, even when there are minimal disadvantages of the Internet, it has apparently turned out be a necessity of life, which increases our productivity through saving time and money.