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Ielts 17th may sydney

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 8:12 am
by chadny013
Hi everyone
I attempt from sydney for academic module today.
Writing : task 1 --- about a maps about a city that how it change its construction and planning from 1950 to now. First map 1950 was include residential places in north and south part along with business district, harbour, rivers, and the tram facility to every where between the city even the tram facility cross the river to facilitates residential place. On the other hand now the city show some dramatical change.. Add extra facilities like sports facility, restaurants along with harbour and rivers, and also footbridge on river to cross for resdential area. But the tram facility only exists for business district to river and residential place also replace by business district in north side.

Task 2 : some people suggest to provide watching television to children to home and school. What extent u agree or disagree??

Reading: about a military who serve his duty in australia in aboriginal time,
Second one about : skills inherited by born if comes by practice
Third one : ametures astronauts and professional astronats

Listening : section one : garbage collection scheduled fill in banks
Sec 2 :
bird observer mcq
Sce 3 : about open an website
Sec 4 : i forget actually :(

Speaking : part 1 about watching tv, computers merits and demerits, wht program i watch in tv, wht program i watched in childhood, how program are changed now a days
Part 2 : a country u visit where u learn new culture
Part 3 : inter border between country, news, globalisation

Re: Ielts 17th may sydney

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 3:35 pm
by Ryan
Thank you very much for sharing this info, chadny013.

Re: Ielts 17th may sydney

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 8:49 pm
by chadny013
Thanks for your reply. The listenting was bit tricky to be honest. Most of them was mcq. Reading was ok no easy or extremly hard. Writing for task to agree or disagree. I wrote about disagree. My point was :children give less concentration in stydy and thier health issue. I sm preety tensed. I need 7 each.

Re: Ielts 17th may sydney

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:11 pm
by chadny013
Hi ryan,
Just notice that i did a big mistake in writing task 1 . I mistake with east and west side of the map. For example the things in east i describe as west. Is it a great mistakee!!!!