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General training writing May 10th

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 1:00 pm
by allen_zhang
you want to find a private teacher to teach your son a foreign language, and you know from a friend about a teacher. write a letter to the teacher.

1. introduce your son.
2. what you want your son be taught.
3. ask teacher's experience.

task 2:
traffic problem is getting serious in many cites. How it affects people's daily life and what individuals can do to help reduce traffic.

A little trick is that you are asked to talk about the effects on people's daily life, and the solution is only about individuals but not governments.

Re: General training writing May 10th

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 1:11 pm
by durai
Hi Allen,

Did you Ryan's post this morning,

He posted a question from Australia and is the same one.

I hope you had a look , if we could see question at least an hour earlier, then we are luckiest.

anyway, how did you go with your exam?


Re: General training writing May 10th

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 1:20 pm
by allen_zhang
Hi Durai,
I was in Hongkong and I didn't have internet connection, so I didn't check the forum. Also, I am in China and the time window is not enough for me to get any information.
But, pay attention, the posted topic could be misleading. In fact, I know that one of my friends write solution of governments which is off topic.
I feel not bad about my writing, but I am not sure about the result.

Best regards,

Re: General training writing May 10th

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 1:34 pm
by rairaichan0323
Hi allzen,

What did u write down for the solutions?

Thank you

Re: General training writing May 10th

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 1:48 pm
by allen_zhang
I just wrote two points:
1. choose public transport.
2. choose cycling and walking.

Re: General training writing May 10th

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 2:16 pm
by durai
Hi Allen,

I am not sure about cycling, normally there is not much difference between motor cycle and bicycle in term of traffic. Because both take the same space.

only it is benefited with reducing fuel consumption and maintain ecological balance.

However, I am not sure how you convinced the reader.

Hope everything goes well for you this time.


Re: General training writing May 10th

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 2:24 pm
by rairaichan0323
How about if i suggested that employer to set flexible working hours for their employees in order to reduce the traffic congestion. Is it ok? Or it looks like off the topic?

Re: General training writing May 10th

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 3:02 pm
by durai
Hi rairaichan,

AS far as I know you are not off topic, because you have suggested that if employees have flexible time to commute work, then it reduce traffic as long as you didn't mention that government should make that possible.

all throughout your essay you should talk only about individuals,

But i don't know why you have thought those complicated solutions when you something easier.


improve public transport ( you cannot say this, because it is something from the government,)

if you said this then your probably off topic, instead if you said people should use public transport the you are on the theme.

Hope for the best


Re: General training writing May 10th

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 3:28 pm
by nisan_ielts
Hi Allen,

You have done a fantastic job so far. I am writing IELTS GT on 7th June. If you guys help me out in this regard than I will be in position to convert my score in 8+ especially in Writing section.

Thanks again for for the info.


Re: General training writing May 10th

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 3:38 pm
by atmahesh
I will also attempting IELTS GT on 7th June. We can practise together.

Here is my skype id --atul.grit


Re: General training writing May 10th

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 3:43 pm
by nisan_ielts
Hi Atul,

Good to hear that you are writing on 7th June. I would appreciate your step for preparation together but I am having a very poor bandwidth of internet connectivity.

If we can share some topics in this regards than we can achieve some of it.

