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Please check my topic and let know the Band

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 12:47 pm
by sravan
Hi Ryan,

This is sravan from india, I am planning to take exam in the month of july, i am posting my writing task and let know correct required and in which band i i couldnt attach the doc files iam posting my topic below

Do you think recycling is worthwhile

Recycling a product or materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. Product recycle happens in all over the globe and other nationalities to ensure the cost cutting and to reduce the usage of the running out resources, which are depleting for mankind. these recycling of the products has numerous advantages and its is the only option for a mankind rather than to find any alternate means to avoid recycling the products in this fast moving scenario.
Material recycling have its advantages and most of the nations follow to reuse the product to minimizes the extra resource or unplanned resource which is dangerous for a mankind which triggers to have the undesirable results and problems to the nations, which leads to the early sign of wars among the nations and countries on natural resource. Recycling of the product also helps to minimize the import of the products usage from the other nations and countries.
Idea behind recycling a products is to minimizes the resource utilization or non renewable resource and also minimizes the effects on environmental conditions. Many nations practices the recycling of products to avoid the resource utilization and not to be affected by importing more goods from other foreign nations. Importing more goods it can also leads to the down fall of the value of the currency in respective nations across worldwide and it could also leads to the imbalance of the economic growth of the country.
There are some disadvantages too of recycling the products which have harmful and hazard effect on the mankind and which leads to destruction of ecology and environment. In some factories, process of recycling a product involves Nuclear Reactors, Hazard Chemical Processing, Bio-Chemical and Radio-Active weapon making companies and Pharmaceutical Industries are some of them they produce huge amounts of wastage which will effects the species in the ecology and disturb the life cycle of the environment. these effect would have the longer impact on the species and water bodies on earth which would be mutate and deform the younger generations.
The recycling of products should always would be eco friendly and which should n't affect the environment and it should be renewable, which should be an example for the next generations and it shouldn't be destructive in nature and effects the ecology and species on earth. Governments should put effort to make to minimizes the destructive nature of the product recycle and enhance new strategies to come up with remedies for the positive outcome on product life cycle .


Re: Please check my topic and let know the Band

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 12:52 pm
by sravan
sravan wrote:Hi Ryan,

This is sravan from india, I am planning to take exam in the month of july, i am posting my writing task and let know correct required and in which band i i couldnt attach the doc files iam posting my topic below

Do you think recycling is worthwhile

Recycling a product or materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. Product recycle happens in all over the globe and other nationalities to ensure the cost cutting and to reduce the usage of the running out resources, which are depleting for mankind. these recycling of the products has numerous advantages and its is the only option for a mankind rather than to find any alternate means to avoid recycling the products in this fast moving scenario.
Material recycling have its advantages and most of the nations follow to reuse the product to minimizes the extra resource or unplanned resource which is dangerous for a mankind which triggers to have the undesirable results and problems to the nations, which leads to the early sign of wars among the nations and countries on natural resource. Recycling of the product also helps to minimize the import of the products usage from the other nations and countries.
Idea behind recycling a products is to minimizes the resource utilization or non renewable resource and also minimizes the effects on environmental conditions. Many nations practices the recycling of products to avoid the resource utilization and not to be affected by importing more goods from other foreign nations. Importing more goods it can also leads to the down fall of the value of the currency in respective nations across worldwide and it could also leads to the imbalance of the economic growth of the country.
There are some disadvantages too of recycling the products which have harmful and hazard effect on the mankind and which leads to destruction of ecology and environment. In some factories, process of recycling a product involves Nuclear Reactors, Hazard Chemical Processing, Bio-Chemical and Radio-Active weapon making companies and Pharmaceutical Industries are some of them they produce huge amounts of wastage which will effects the species in the ecology and disturb the life cycle of the environment. these effect would have the longer impact on the species and water bodies on earth which would be mutate and deform the younger generations.
The recycling of products should always would be eco friendly and which should n't affect the environment and it should be renewable, which should be an example for the next generations and it shouldn't be destructive in nature and effects the ecology and species on earth. Governments should put effort to make to minimizes the destructive nature of the product recycle and enhance new strategies to come up with remedies for the positive outcome on product life cycle .


Re: Please check my topic and let know the Band

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 12:59 pm
by durai
Hi Sravan,

First thing you should post the question exactly as given in the task, so that we could assess for task response.

Secondly, you have weak grammar control; keep your sentences short and create structure of your essay.

So, first form a structure that suits you, I follow Ryan's one as it gives easy way to respond to any question.
Once you have formed the exact structure then correct your grammar by going through many essays. Or learn grammar books or visit websites that teach Grammar.

I would say say it takes easy 2 weeks when i consider above response.

Durai :)

Re: Please check my topic and let know the Band

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 1:12 pm
by sravan
Hi Durai,

Thanks for the speed response, I will check on grammar and further have a control and cut short the sentence for further essays.
