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Task II please grade i have exam tomorrow

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 10:18 am
by Muxtar
Some people say that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of sports facilities. Others,however,say that this would have little effect on public health and that other measures are required. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

People have different views about whether it is a better to provide public health by increasing the number of sport facilities or it is worthwhile to take other measures. Although there are convincing points in favor of increasing sport facilities, I personally believe that taking other measures can be more beneficial for us.

Opponents of this idea think that it would be extremely useful for people taking part in sport centres in order to stay healthy .Government ,therefore, should pay more attention to building many sport facilities.For example, if a person desire of achieving a normal level of fitness but there is no any sports centres in the vicinity of area he live on,it will undoubtedly obvious obstacle for him to reach goal.In todays world majority of younger people are keen on attending this kind of sport centres.For example,swimming pool is by far most popular sport activities and attract many children and give them a great opportunity to keep healthy,making their body more resistant to different disease and refresh their minds.

Supporters of this argument claim that there are other useful measures that would be much more important to take into account. Providing community with reliable healthcare system are a major concern that could enhance public health.People need to become awareness of having accessible hospitals that offer special services and professional doctors who are operating people with special methods.Another factor would be certainly valuable for community that require strict monitor on restaurant by government in terms of offering meals to people.As these measure are crucial,government should spend more money on campaigns to educate people that they have to be careful what they eat

To sum up,it seems to me that people should be sensitive for their habits in terms of health and eating habits

Re: Task II please grade i have exam tomorrow

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:05 am
by Sabir_Azeri