grade it please

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grade it please

Post by neha »

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Re: grade it please

Post by saqibali »

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Re: grade it please

Post by lmoore »

Hi, Neha,
I wish I could have seen your nephew playing football! I’ll bet he was really cute.
The organization of your speech was good. You have a good beginning, middle, and end. I was able to follow your answer, which was clear and to the point.
Your pronunciation was clear most of the time, although there were a couple of areas to work on. One of these is to remember to put your tongue between your teeth when you say the /th/ sound in “birthday.” It sounds like you have put a “D” there instead. Also, in the word “invited,” it sounded like you put a “w” instead of a “v.” I heard “inwited.” Additionally, watch which syllables you stress when you speak. For example, you said BALLoons instead of ballOONS, and you said “DESserts,” which sounds like the word “deserts.” The accent goes on second syllable – desSERTS.
Vocabulary was good. I heard you say “select” and “role.” There weren’t too many higher-level words in this speech, however. One thing to remember is that the word is “moreover,” not “moreon.” You also repeated yourself many times. For example, you said it was your nephew’s birthday at least three times in a short span of time. You also said, “It was a real fun.” two or three times. This sentence should be, “It was REALLY fun,” by the way.
Your grammar needs some work, especially paying attention to using the past tense when you are telling a story. Many times, you spoke in the present tense. Here are some other notes:
-I went with my sister for to bringing him the cake. – I went with my sister to bring him the cake.
-21st April – the 21st of April
-I just go out with my sister, and we just bring him the cake. . . – needs to be past tense – I just went out. . ., and we just brought him. . .Also, you use the word “just” too many times in this sentence.
-my sister has just visited us at that time. . .-was visiting us
-Some we have cook in home. – Some we had cooked AT home.
-We had played with our two years-old nephew. – TWO YEAR-OLD nephew
-I really enjoyed all the party. – I really enjoyed the whole party.
-I was so much excited to bring him. . . – I was so excited. . .

Keep up the good work as you practice!
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