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i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 5:31 am
by rairaichan0323
Some people believe that children are given too much free time. They feel that this time should be used to do more school work.
How do you think children should spend their free time?

A proper method of managing free time is playing a key role in student's success. Some people opine that pupils should do more school work at their leisure time. It is disagreed that schoolchildren should not simply spend excessive time on the school activity. This argument will be proven by analyzing how children can benefit from spending spare time on extra-curricular activities and volunteer works.

First of all, it is an undeniable fact that students should spend their free time to do outside class activities in order to maintain a good health. For instance, a pupil joins the football club; it can motivate him to do regular exercise. This makes it clear that individuals keep doing exercise regularly can enhance their body condition. As this shows that spending leisure time in these activities has a positive impact on the children.

Secondly and even more importantly, students should participate in social works on their redundant time. Given that they can contribute to the development of the society. To take Hong Kong as an example, young people work as volunteers to help some social organization to sell flags on Saturday. Thus, it can cultivate them to be empathetic person and also can give their efforts to the community. It is obvious from this that conducting volunteer works can have a beneficial influence upon the offspring.

Following this look at how adolescents can have a profoundly good impact by using their excess time on after school activities and social works; it has been proven that they should spend their redundant time on others rather than on the school works. Also, I believe that it seems highly advisable for parents to arrange different activities to their descendants.

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 9:13 pm
by Flick
rairaichan0323 wrote:Some people believe that children are given too much free time. They feel that this time should be used to do more school work.
How do you think children should spend their free time?

A proper method of managing free time is playing a key role in a student's success. Some people opine that pupils should do more school work during their leisure time. It is disagreed that schoolchildren should not simply spend excessive time on the school activity.(<-- This sentence is confusing. You use two negatives, 'disagreed' and 'not spend time'. This makes the meaning unclear. Do you mean 'I don't believe children should spend their free time on schoolwork'?) This argument will be proven by analyzing how children can benefit from spending their spare time on extra-curricular activities and volunteer work.

First of all, it is an undeniable fact (<-- Is this backed up by research? If not, this is only your opinion, so you should start the sentence with 'I believe' instead.) that students should spend their free time doing outside class activities in order to maintain a good health. For instance, a pupil joins the football club; it can motivate him to do regular exercise. This makes it clear that individuals who exercise regularly can enhance their body condition. This shows that spending leisure time in these activities has a positive impact on children.

Secondly and even more importantly, students should participate in social works in their free time so that they can contribute to the development of society. To take Hong Kong as an example, young people work as volunteers to help a social organization to sell flags on Saturdays. This helps them to cultivate empathy and give back to their community. It is obvious from this that conducting volunteer work can have a beneficial influence upon offspring.

Following this look at how adolescents can have a profoundly good impact by using their excess time on after school activities and social works, it has been proven that they should spend their spare time on others rather than on school work. Also, I believe that it seems highly advisable for parents to arrange different activities for their children.

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:52 am
by rairaichan0323
Flick, could you pls help me to check for it? thank you

We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in business, hospitals and crime detection. What things they will be used for in the future. Is this dependence on computer a good thing or should we be more auspicious of their benefits?

In a contemporary society, a computer is playing an important role of humankind’s life. The using of computer is continuously growing in people daily lives such as driving a car in the not too distant future. It is agreed that the utilizing intelligent computer has brought numerous advantages to the world. This argument will be analyzed by looking at how this technology can help people to eliminate unnecessary mistakes and simplify work processing.

First of all, it is an undeniable fact that using a computer is able individual to reduce the possibility of making an error. For instance, using some soft programs for writing an essay, it is capable of checking spelling and grammar mistakes. This makes it clear that computer users are possible to avoid some faults by this amazing technology. As this shows that rely on computer has had a positive impact on the human.

Secondly and even more importantly, complicated data sourcing can be simply done by operating computer. To illustrate, all the hospitals are able to get patients ‘records by computer. Thus, doctors can easily receive any information that can curtail their workloads. It is obvious that the benefits of depending on the computer far outweigh its drawbacks.

By way of conclusion, following look at how this fabulous technology can lessen human errors and streamline the processing of work, it has been proven that using the computer has brought countless advantages to all users. Also, I believe that this machine will continuously play significant role in the worldwide.
rairaichan0323 Posts: 160Joined: Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:03 pm


Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:05 pm
by rairaichan0323
Some people think the advertisement on TV are useless while others think they are valuable. Discuss both views and giver your opinion.

In a modern city, adverts are an indispensable of each individual life. People are easy to receive any new information through ads. While some would argue that advertisements are futile, many others would contend that they are priceless. These points of view will be discussed in this order before arriving at a satisfactory outcome.

On the one hand, some people are of the opinion that commercials on the media are pointless. They only pursue human to purchase something which is possibly wasteness. For instance, Apple stores will promote new iPhone model in the broadcast in every year. It can be argued that individual is unnecessary to alter other fashionable mobiles even the original phone is still functional. Thus, it is clear why some people gravitate towards this point of view.

On the other hand, many argue that advertising is precious as they are able to provide some important messages to the humankind. To illustrate, Hong Kong government frequently announces and promote some new policies on the television in order to draw local dwellers attention. Therefore, the domestic residents are able to receive such a valuable information. After analyzing these facts, it is clear why many support this claim.

By way of conclusion, there are strong arguments both sides. However, after analyzing these points of view, it is certainly true that advertisements are not pointless for the majority of citizens. Also, I believe that it seems highly advisable for the administration to give more informative messages to the public by advertising.

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:56 am
by rairaichan0323
Flick would u pls help? thanks a lot

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 9:43 pm
by Flick
rairaichan0323 wrote:
We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in business, hospitals and crime detection. What things they will be used for in the future. Is this dependence on computer a good thing or should we be more auspicious of their benefits?

In a contemporary society, a computer is playing an important role of humankind’s life. (<--Reword to: "In contemporary society, computers play an important role in our lives.") The use of computers is continuously growing in people's daily lives the same way driving a car has become essential. It is agreed that computers have brought numerous advantages to the world. This argument will be analyzed by looking at how this technology can help people to eliminate unnecessary mistakes and simplify work processing.

First of all, it is an undeniable fact that using a computer allows an individual to reduce the possibility of making an error. For instance, using a software program for writing an essay makes it easy to check for spelling and grammar mistakes. This makes it clear that computer users are able to avoid some faults with this amazing technology. As this shows, computers have had a positive impact on humankind.

Secondly and even more importantly, complicated data sourcing can be done simply by using a computer. To illustrate, hospitals are able to instantly access patients' records by computer. Thus, doctors can easily review information that can curtail their workload. It is obvious that the benefits of depending on the computer far outweigh its drawbacks.

By way of conclusion, following a look at how this fabulous technology can lessen human errors and streamline the processing of work, it has been proven that using the computer has brought countless advantages to all users. Also, I believe that this machine will continue to play a significant role in the world.
Sorry for the delay in replying! Good job. :)

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 10:13 pm
by Flick
rairaichan0323 wrote:Some people think the advertisement on TV are useless while others think they are valuable. Discuss both views and giver your opinion.

In a modern city, adverts are an indispensable part of our lives. It is easy to receive new information through ads. While some would argue that advertisements are futile, many others would contend that they are priceless. These points of view will be discussed before arriving at a satisfactory outcome.

On the one hand, some people are of the opinion that commercials in media are pointless. They only pursue human to purchase something which is possibly wasteness. (<--Reword to: "They only convince consumers to buy useless products, which leads to waste.") For instance, Apple stores promote the new iPhone model every year. It can be argued that individual is unnecessary to alter other fashionable mobiles even the original phone is still functional. (<--Reword to: "It can be argued that it is unnecessary to upgrade to the new model while the previous model is still functional as this is wasteful and costly.") Thus, it is clear why some people gravitate towards this point of view.

On the other hand, many argue that advertising is precious asit allows companies to share information with consumers. To illustrate, the Hong Kong government frequently announces and promotes new policies on television in order to draw locals' attention. Therefore, the domestic residents are able to receive valuable information. After analyzing these facts, it is clear why many support this claim.

By way of conclusion, there are strong arguments on both sides. However, after analyzing these points of view, it is certainly true that advertisements are not pointless for the majority of citizens. Also, I believe that it seems highly advisable for the administration to give more informative messages to the public through advertising.

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:10 am
by rairaichan0323
Thank you Flick!! could u help me to check this one too ? thanks a lot!!

In many countries, students must leave school because of their poor behaviours. Some people think it is a good idea, while others argue that there are other ways to solve this problem. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Discipline is very significant all people. In many nations, some disruptive pupils will be expelled because of their misbehaviors. While some people would argue that it is a splendid idea, many others could contend that there are alternative measures to tackle this matter. These points of view will be discussed in this order before arriving at a satisfactory outcome.

On the one hand, some people are of the opinion that worse-behaved schoolchildren should be asked to leave the institution. As they would influence others during the lesson. For instance, badly behaved students always create noise and force teacher to focus on crowd control rather than teaching. It can be argued that ill-disciplined pupils effectively rode the well-behaved majority of a proper education and they should be expelled from the college. Thus, it is clear why some people gravitate toward this point of view.

On the other hand, many argue that there are some suitable means to settle this difficulty instead of expelling. To illustrate, an academy can separate those mischievous and well-mannered children into different classes for educating. Thus, the disruptive pupils could not interrupt others as well as the teachers are able to provide more appropriate lessons to them. After analyzing these facts, it is certainly true that why many support this claim.

By way of conclusion, there are strong arguments on both sides. However, after analyzing these points of view, it is clear that the educational institutions should not expel any worse-behaved students. Also, I believe that it seems highly advisable for schools to establish more effective methods to amend students’ deed.

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:16 am
by rairaichan0323
Write a letter to your manager regarding the recent conference you attended
• how the conference benefited you
• what you are going to present to your colleague
• why you thing it will benefit them

Dear Mr. Lee,

I am writing to you regard to the conference which I had attended recently.

This conference had introduced the-state-of-art software programs which is used for anti-virus in order to help companies to keep away from the hackers. I have learnt enormous useful skills as well as significant information from it.

After summarizing this precious information, I will arrange a meeting for introducing it to all the company members. During the meeting, I will teach and demonstrate them some techniques for how to lessen their chances to be attacked by the hackers. Furthermore, I will hold private lessons for each department for educating them personally. Consequently, if they could learn those skills and apply it properly on their daily works then they are able to operate their jobs smoothly. Also, all the information about company will be highly protected.

If you have any advices on my arrangement, I would most appreciate of any suggestions you could give in this regard.

Yours sincerely,

Janis Lee

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:46 am
by rairaichan0323
You have borrowed 10 library books and due to urgent mater, you will not be able to return them on time. Write a letter politely explaining your position and requesting that your fine be withheld.

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Janis Lee. I am writing to you regard to my library books which are due in the foreseeable future.

Those books will be due on this week Friday. However, I am unable to return them on time. It is because my grandmother has fallen ill. As you can understand that she is in need of support from my family. Consequently, I have to return to my country tonight as well as I will not have sufficient time to return them to you.

From my understanding, I will receive a fine due to late to return those books. As you can comprehend that this is incredibly special situation. Therefore, I am wondering that are you possible to waive this fine? I would be grateful, if you consider this situation at your earliest convenience.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Janis Lee

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:28 pm
by Flick
rairaichan0323 wrote:
In many countries, students must leave school because of their poor behaviours. Some people think it is a good idea, while others argue that there are other ways to solve this problem. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Discipline is very significant for everyone. In many nations, some disruptive pupils are expelled because of their misbehaviors. While some people argue that it is a splendid idea, many others contend that there are alternative measures to tackle this matter. These points of view will be discussed in this order before arriving at a satisfactory outcome.

On the one hand, some people are of the opinion that worse-behaved schoolchildren should be asked to leave the institution as they could influence others during the lesson. For instance, badly behaved students always create noise and force teacher to focus on crowd control rather than teaching. It can be argued that ill-disciplined pupils effectively rid the well-behaved majority of a proper education and they should be expelled from the school. Thus, it is clear why some people gravitate toward this point of view.

On the other hand, many argue that there are some suitable means to settle this difficulty instead of expelling. To illustrate, an academy can separate those mischievous and well-mannered children into different classes for educating. Thus, the disruptive pupils are unable to interrupt others, and the teachers are able to provide more appropriate lessons to them. After analyzing these facts, it is certainly clear why many support this claim.

By way of conclusion, there are strong arguments on both sides. However, after analyzing these points of view, it is clear that educational institutions should not expel any worse-behaved students. Also, I believe that it seems highly advisable for schools to establish more effective methods to amend students’ actions.

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:44 pm
by Flick
rairaichan0323 wrote:Write a letter to your manager regarding the recent conference you attended
• how the conference benefited you
• what you are going to present to your colleague
• why you thing it will benefit them

Dear Mr. Lee,

I am writing to you in regards to the conference which I recently attended.

This conference introduced state-of-art software programs which are used in order to protect companies from hackers. I learnt several useful techniques as well as a significant information during this conference.

After summarizing this information, I will arrange a meeting to introduce it to all company employees. During the meeting, I will teach and demonstrate some of the techniques on lowering the odds of being attacked by hackers. Furthermore, I will hold private lessons for each department to cover these points personally. Consequently, once they learn these skills and apply them properly, I believe their work will continue smoothly and safely. Also, all company information will be well protected.

If you have any suggestions for this arrangement, I would be most appreciative.

Yours sincerely,

Janis Lee

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:46 pm
by Flick
rairaichan0323 wrote:You have borrowed 10 library books and due to urgent mater, you will not be able to return them on time. Write a letter politely explaining your position and requesting that your fine be withheld.

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Janis Lee. I am writing to you regards to my library books which are due this Friday.

Unfortunately, I will be unable to return them on time because my grandmother has fallen ill. As you can understand, she is in need of support from my family. Consequently, I have to return to my country tonight so will not have sufficient time to return them to you.

From my understanding, I will receive a fine due to the late return of those books. As you can comprehend, this is an incredibly special situation. Therefore, I am wondering if you can possibly waive this fine? I would be grateful if you consider this situation at your earliest convenience.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Janis Lee

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 9:09 am
by rairaichan0323
Thank you very much for ur helping, Flick. I am really appreciative of all your effort to us!! would u pls keep to check our essays. thanks a lot!!

You are on a holiday but you have realized that you are not able to return to work on time. Write a letter to your boss to explain why and ask for permission to return at a later time.

Dear Mr. Lee,

I am writing to ask for your approval for my late return to work due to my son’s illness.

I am now on my holiday excursion with my family in my hometown. However, the weather in here is abnormal as well as it has got cooler so suddenly. Because of it, my son fell ill with a high fever. I brought him to the hospital and the doctor said that he has to be hospitalized for a few days. Therefore, I am unable to return to my work on time. I will go back as soon as his recovery.

I would be most appreciative if you could consider this request at your earliest convenience. You could contact me through my mobile 61-1232133123 or email to me. I look forward to hearing from you and sincerely apologize for the inconvenience sudden and unforeseeable event may cause.

Yours sincerely,

Janis Lee

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 7:36 am
by rairaichan0323
You recently had a meal in a restaurant and you enjoyed the food and service. Write a letter to a local newspaper to recommend the restaurant.

Dear Editor,

I am writing to recommend a French restaurant which is called the ABC restaurant and located in the Oxford Street.

First of all, the price of this restaurant is reasonable. As you can comprehend that normally the price of French restaurants is exorbitant price. However, if you compare it with other French restaurants, it is more affordable. Secondly, the quality of food in there is splendid. Their fusion food is very unit and it is incredibly tasty. I believe that definitely you cannot find such amazing food in other restaurants. Finally, the service of this restaurant is excellent. The waiters in there are very professional, polite and patient. They know very well about their restaurant. They are able to offer a lot of nice recommendations to you which are according to your preferences.

It is my pleasure to introduce the ABC restaurant to you. From my point of view, it is the best French restaurant in our city. Thanks for your reading.

Yours faithfully,

Janis Lee

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 11:01 am
by rairaichan0323
You are travelling and have lost something that is expensive. The lost item is insured. Write to the insurance company to describe how it happened and ask for compensation.

Dear Sir / Madam,

My name is Janis Lee and the holder of the above insurance policy. I am writing to intend to lodge an insurance claim under the said policy for the loss of my laptop. Two months ago, I just bought it for HKD 7000.

On 24th March, I was having my vacation in New Zealand. In the evening, I went back to my room, I found my laptop, Fujitsu FJ123 was stolen. I have to mention that while I went out, door and windows were locked. I complained to the hotel manager and called for policy. According to their inspection, someone should come from the window. Enclosed with this letter is the copy of the statement from the policy and receipt of the laptop. In addition, I would like to receive this compensation as soon as possible, therefore, I could buy the new one as soon as possible. I look forward to your prompt reply.

Yours faithfully,

Janis Lee

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:04 am
by rairaichan0323
You are attending an intensive language training class. You have difficulty following one of the courses. Write to the course tutor to describe your difficulty and ask for advice.

Dear Mr. Chen,

I am writing to ask for your assistance. Would you please give me advice regarding to the English speaking course. I have found a difficulty of my speaking skills.

I have attended to the intensive English class for three weeks. I have enjoyed it so much, however, I have found that my skills of speaking do not improve at all. Although I have practiced during the class, I think it is still inadequate for me.

You have much more experience in teaching English. Could you please give me some precious instructions on how I can improve my techniques? Are there any books which are good for mending speaking skills? Could you advise me which one is suitable for me? Therefore, I could get it from the bookshop.

I would be grateful for any information you could give me in this regard. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Janis Lee

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 4:06 am
by rairaichan0323
More and more people choose to live by themselves in the recent years. Why is the case and it is a positive or negative development of society.

In a contemporary society, people are increasingly tending to live alone in the recent years. Yet, it remains some disagreement as to whether the overall effect of solo living has been positive or negative. While there are certainly valid arguments to the contrary, it is agreed that the drawbacks of the living alone far outweigh its drawbacks.

Firstly, it is an undeniable fact that the solo living will create a giant problem of demanding a large amount of housing. In some areas, there are inadequate places for building houses in order to fulfill their enormous requirements. For instance, Hong Kong government always has found an issue of looking for places to build houses. This makes it clear that this living style has created a great burden to the administration. As this shows that this lifestyle has had a demerit impact to the community.

Secondly and even more importantly, a huge amount of financial burden for the authority in helping lonely senior inhabitants. The elderly people are in need of support from the local council as they cannot receive any assistants from their offspring. To illustrate, in every year the Hong Kong government is spending few billion for supporting older people who are staying by themselves. Thus, it causes a huge financial load to the government. It is obvious from this that such a mode of living has had disadvantage to the local district.

By way of conclusion, following look at how the individual living alone can increase a housing shortage matter and financial burden for the authority to take care of aged citizen, it has been proven that the trend of person living alone has generally been negative development. Also, it seems highly advisable for the community motivating dwellers live with their parents.

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:47 pm
by Flick
rairaichan0323 wrote: You are on a holiday but you have realized that you are not able to return to work on time. Write a letter to your boss to explain why and ask for permission to return at a later time.

Dear Mr. Lee,

I am writing to ask for your approval for my late return to work due to my son’s illness.

I am now on my holiday excursion with my family in my hometown. (<--Reword to: "I am currently on leave with my family in my hometown.") However, the weather in here is abnormal as well as it has got cooler so suddenly. (<--Reword to: "However, the weather here has not been great. There was a sudden cold snap that has severely affected my son's health.") I took him to the hospital and the doctor said that he has to be hospitalized for a few days. Therefore, I am unable to return to work on time. I will be back as soon as my son has recovered.

I would be most appreciative if you could consider this request at your earliest convenience. (<--Reword to: "I would be most appreciative if you could extend my leave for the duration of my son's illness.") You can contact me on my mobile 61-1232133123 or email me. I look forward to hearing from you and sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this sudden and unforeseeable event may cause.

Yours sincerely,

Janis Lee

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:51 pm
by Flick
rairaichan0323 wrote:You recently had a meal in a restaurant and you enjoyed the food and service. Write a letter to a local newspaper to recommend the restaurant.

Dear Editor,

I am writing to recommend a French restaurant called ABC Restaurant, located on Oxford Street.

First of all, the prices in this restaurant are reasonable. As you can comprehend, normally the price of French restaurants is exorbitant. However, ABC Restaurant was very affordable. Secondly, the quality of food there is splendid. Their fusion food is very unique and it is incredibly tasty. I believe that you will not find such amazing food in other restaurants. Finally, the service at this restaurant is excellent. The waiters are very professional, polite and patient. They know very well about their restaurant. (<--Reword to: "Their knowledge of the food and drink was exceptional.") They are able to offer a lot of nice recommendations according to your preferences.

It is my pleasure to introduce the ABC Restaurant to you. From my point of view, it is the best French restaurant in our city. Thanks for reading.

Yours faithfully,

Janis Lee

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:07 pm
by Flick
rairaichan0323 wrote:You are travelling and have lost something that is expensive. The lost item is insured. Write to the insurance company to describe how it happened and ask for compensation.

Dear Sir / Madam,

My name is Janis Lee and I am the holder of insurance policy AB12345. I am writing to lodge an insurance claim under the said policy for the loss of my laptop, which I bought two months ago for HKD 7000.

On 24th March, I was on vacation in New Zealand. In the evening, I went back to my hotel room and found my laptop, a Fujitsu FJ123, had been stolen. The door and windows were locked. I complained to the hotel manager and called the police. According to their inspection, someone entered my room through the window. Enclosed with this letter is a copy of the statement from the police and the original receipt for the laptop. In addition, I would like to receive this compensation as soon as possible so I can buy a replacement as soon as possible. I look forward to your prompt reply.

Yours faithfully,

Janis Lee
I'm from New Zealand - it's much safer in real life! :)

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:29 pm
by Flick
rairaichan0323 wrote:You are attending an intensive language training class. You have difficulty following one of the courses. Write to the course tutor to describe your difficulty and ask for advice.

Dear Mr. Chen,

I am writing to ask for your assistance. Would you please give me advice regarding the English speaking course? I have found a difficulty of my speaking skills.(<--Reword to: "I have been struggling with this course.")

I have attended to the intensive English class for three weeks. I have enjoyed it so much. However, I have found that my speaking skills are not improving at all. Although I practice during class, I don't think I am making any progress.

You have much experience in teaching English. Could you please give me some instructions on how I can improve my techniques? Are there any books which are good for improving speaking skills? Could you advise me of a suitable title? I could get it from the bookshop.

I would be grateful for any information you could give me in this regard. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Janis Lee

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:44 pm
by Flick
rairaichan0323 wrote:More and more people choose to live by themselves in the recent years. Why is the case and it is a positive or negative development of society.

In a contemporary society, people are increasingly choosingto live alone. However, there is some disagreement as to whether the overall effect of solo living has been positive or negative. While there are certainly valid arguments to the contrary, it is agreed that the drawbacks of the living alone far outweigh its benefits.

Firstly, it is an undeniable fact that the solo living will create large demand for housing. In some areas there are inadequate levels of accommodation in order to fulfill their enormous requirements. For instance, the Hong Kong government always struggles to find real estate for building houses. This makes it clear that this living style has created a great burden to the administration. As this shows, this lifestyle has had a negative impact on the community.

Secondly and even more importantly, a huge financial burden is placed on the authorities in helping lonely senior inhabitants. Elderly people are in need of support from the local council as they cannot receive any assistance from their offspring. To illustrate, every year the Hong Kong government is spending several billion dollars supporting older people who live by themselves. Thus, it causes a huge financial load on the government. It is obvious from this that such a mode of living has disadvantages for the local district.

By way of conclusion, following a look at how the individual living alone can increase a housing shortage and financial burden for the authorities, it has been proven that the trend of people living alone has generally been a negative development. Also, it seems highly advisable for the community to encourage citizens to live with their parents.

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 4:43 am
by rairaichan0323
Thank you Flick!!

Some people work for the same organization all their working life. Others think that it is better to work for different organizations. Discuss both these views and give you own opinion.

In a modern society, adolescents often alter their job easily. While some people would argue that employees should work for the identical association all their working life, many others would contend that working dissimilar businesses is favorable for representatives. These points of views will be discussed before arriving at a satisfactory outcome.

On the one hand, some people are of the opinion that they should work at the same company until they retired. One of the typical instance is Japanese companies which are encouraging their staffs to remain the same job for their whole career life. It is argued that they can completely comprehend the system of the company and also they can present their loyalty to the organization. Thus, it is clear why many people gravitate towards this point of view.

On the other hand, many argue that people should work for different associations in order to seek further development. To illustrate, in Hong Kong, young people often change their career in order to gain more working experiences and they employ passed valuable experiences on their present job. Therefore, it is good for the company to employ such workers who have obtained rich knowledge. After analyzing these facts, it is certainly clear that why many support this claim.

By way of conclusion, there are strong arguments on both sides. However after analyzing these points of views, it is clear that staffs’ loyalty is a significant key for the successful company. Therefore, I believe that it seems highly advisable for the companies to motivate juveniles to remain working at the same firm.

Re: i need your help-task 2- children too much free time

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 9:53 am
by rairaichan0323
Flick could you pls check it for me? thank you!!

It is the government’s responsibility to look after people with problems such as the unemployed and the homeless. Do you agree or disagree?

In a contemporary society, citizens have an obligation to pay taxes to the administration. As the government can employ those revenues to provide services to the inhabitants. It is agreed that the local council has a duty to take care of dwellers with difficulties. This argument will be analyzed by looking at how the local council concerns those individuals who have problems can remain the order of society and improve citizens’ living standard.

First of all, it is an undeniable fact that authority has a responsibility to maintain social order by offering assistances to the folks with issues. For instance, in a recent year, there are several demonstrations in Hong Kong due to an exorbitant price of housing. This makes it clear that such unsatisfied feeling among the citizens may induce antisocial revolution and considerably influence on the economy. As this shows that in order to remain stable living circumstance, the local council has an onus to give assistances to those people

Secondly and even more importantly, if the government aids those helpless citizens, it could improve residents’ living standard generally. To illustrate, the Hong Kong council has organized some associations to assist unemployed people to look for a job or arrange homeless people to accommodate in the public houses. Thus, obtaining support from the administration poor people could improve their standard of living. It is obvious from this that the government has an obligation to help individual out of the destitution.

By way of conclusion, following a this look at how the administration can stabilize the social order and mend dwellers’ living standard, it has been proven that it indeed has a duty to take care of the individuals with difficulties. Also, I believe that it seems highly advisable for the local council to establish more useful measures to assist people.