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IELTS test in Taiwan - September 2013 Writing Task2

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:19 am
by bunni015

Some people say that increasing working hours leads to economic success, but there are also some disadvantages to it.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this point of view?

While some believe that economic success is directly proportional to the labor force and their working hours, besides the known fact that “Health is Wealth”. A Country’s economic success can be judged on multifarious attributes; however, by just prolonging the work time, the benefit might be petite. Therefore, it is believed that extended working hours always leads to a humdrum life. This argument perceives the disadvantages from health and relationship concerns.

Working for too many hours will degrade the quality of one’s own health. For instance, recently based on an article posted in economist, an employee in Toyota company was collapsed after his 80 extra working hours in a week. The fact clearly insists that untimely working lifestyle can make health apart and utmost taking a life. Hence, odd working hours will become a threat to health and working style.

Besides of health, the other resentful fact is employees working for long hours get isolated from their loved one’s. Based on a post from economist website, Employees who are working above their normal working hours are found to be less socialized.Hence, these can no more mingle, share and express their opinions for the reason or fact that they got used to their working style and stay all alone. Thus, it should be accepted that extending time for the work will damage the relationships.

Finally, it can be comprehended from above views that extended working hours should not be encouraged. People with diverse views about extended working hours of labor force, have different implications which can affect health and relationships. In future, it is assumed that employers and employees won't support working for long hours.
