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Can somebody please give me some feedback!!

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 5:28 pm
by nilevol
It is quite common for both parents in a family to work. Sometimes this is because they need two salaries to survive whereas at other times it is their choices.
What problems do you see in this situation? How does this affect the children and family life?

In this materialistic era, the relationship within a family is degrading to the core. In most cases, both parents in a family have to work in order to cop up with the growing demands of the modern life style. However, this brings a negative impact in building up an ideal family. Family members fail to spend ample amount of time with each other resulting in communication problems and also children in most such cases becomes the victims of loneliness right from their childhood. This will be further analyzed in the essay.

First of all,the members in a family, where both parents are working, seldom spend quality time together. because of their tight schedules. This can eventually create a huge communication gap,especially between the parents which can even erase the core values such as love and trust from their relationship. For instance, a recent study done by an international NGO showed that the rate of divorces are high among the working partners than the others.Therefore it is proven that, it can negatively impact the family relationships.

Most of the time, working parents fail to cater to the needs of their children in an effective way. Somehow they manage to work things out, compromising the children’s real desires .Thus children might face the terrifying effects of loneliness and sadness which can even lead to depression ,which can have a very bad impact on their character. For example ,studies shows that most of the notorious criminals are the victims of painful childhood. This is a pathetic example on how working parents might influence their children in a negative way .

Finally, it is understood that the chances for negative impacts are high ,in a family where both parents are working. It is expected that , such families should take some steps to spend quality time together ,so that they can build up an ideal family.