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Task 2, Kindly review and score accordingly

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 8:18 am
by simar178
Several languages die every year. Many people feel this is a positive trend and that a world with fewer languages promotes harmony and understanding between people. Analyze both sides of this argument and provide your opinion.

Certainly it is true that language plays a vital role for effective communication between the individuals which helps to fortify their thoughts and work process. However, with the changing time it has been observed that the number of languages are decreasing throughout the world and on this worldly change people carry different views.

Some people believe that, in today's time of globalisation it is significant to build healthy relationship between the countries, which can only be achieved with better communication in the language that can be understood globally, this will undoubtedly lead to the high productivity of the cross-country business deals. Moreover, single or fewer languages are easy to adapt for the enterprises.

On the other hand, some people opine that cutting down the lingual options will restrict the cultural and traditional growth of the country. Country like India is one of the best examples which depicts its versatile heritage world-wide and this scenario will definitely demolish country's cultural values in the coming generations.

However, giving fewer choices to communicate will inevitably increase the bond between the individuals and the countries, which is more important than any other cultural or traditional values, because lesser understanding of ideas can come up as a hurdle for the successful growth. This is one of the reasons why people are learning English these days.

Hence, clear conversation is the need of the hour for affluent business and individual growth world-wide which I believe is of the higher importance than any other ethnic values.

Re: Task 2, Kindly review and score accordingly

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 9:58 pm
by Flick
Hi Simar,

I have posted a reply to this essay here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1429&p=4556#p4556

Please have a look at my suggestions and let me know if you have any questions.
