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Question Regarding "Advantages outweigh Disadvantages" essay

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 6:16 am
by IndianHarry

I often come across essay topics that ask you if you think the advantages of XYZ ouweigh the disadvatages. Do I have to mention both during my essay?

As an example -

In many cities, shops, schools, offices and homes will be developed widely separated. DO you think the advantages of this outweighed the disadvantages?

I start by brainstorming , and I come up with about 5 advantages compared to just 2 disadvantages. So, naturally, I choose to agree with the question that its advantages do outweigh the disadvantages.

Now, during the essay, do I mention the disadvantages?


Re: Question Regarding "Advantages outweigh Disadvantages" e

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 11:48 am
by vipin
i am also struggling to find information on the same but from whatever googling i have done, i understand both sides should be presented with your opinion clearly highlighted.

Re: Question Regarding "Advantages outweigh Disadvantages" e

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 5:38 pm
by Guru

Re: Question Regarding "Advantages outweigh Disadvantages" e

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 5:03 am
by vipin
Awesome!!. thanks a ton Guru

Re: Question Regarding "Advantages outweigh Disadvantages" e

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 3:36 pm
by Ryan
IndianHarry wrote:Hi,

I often come across essay topics that ask you if you think the advantages of XYZ ouweigh the disadvatages. Do I have to mention both during my essay?

As an example -

In many cities, shops, schools, offices and homes will be developed widely separated. DO you think the advantages of this outweighed the disadvantages?

I start by brainstorming , and I come up with about 5 advantages compared to just 2 disadvantages. So, naturally, I choose to agree with the question that its advantages do outweigh the disadvantages.

Now, during the essay, do I mention the disadvantages?

Hi Harry,

As you've pointed out, this question would be best responded to using an argument essay structure. I would still make mention of the disadvantages, but this doesn't mean you have to look at them in any detail. Reiterating that the advantages are more obvious than the disadvantages (which may not even exist in some cases) would be enough. An alternative would be to disprove the merit of a supposed disadvantage. For example, you could offer some concession by stating that "many people feel XYZ is a disadvantage" and then disprove this with well-positioned evidence. This sort of paragraph could conclude with you pointing out that the commonly held disadvantages are not nearly as strong as the advantages.