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Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:39 am
by Muxtar
hello everyone
please grade it

Re: Sport

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 12:29 am
by lmoore
Hello, Muxtar,
This is probably one of your better speeches that I have heard.
The number of “uhs” and other silence-fillers was significantly lower than in the past, and your rate of speech was good. You did not speak too slowly. Your organization was good, and you used some nice connectors like, “for example,” “in order to,” and “what I point to.” Your conclusion to the Olympics questions was really nice as well. I would encourage you to use even more transitions to make your moving from question to question even clearer. I wasn’t sure if you answered the question of what your favorite sport is or not. If you did, you did not spend much time discussing it.
I would caution you on your pronunciation. That was the biggest difficulty for you in this speech. For example, I believe you said “continuity,” but I think you left out the “u” syllable. I heard you say “mental adility,” but I am not sure if you meant “ability” or “agility.” Also, I heard “indudance” when I think you meant “endurance.” The “r” sound sounded like a “d.” Finally, you said “guRANte” instead of “guarantee,” which is pronounced like “gare-uhn-TEE.”
You made several errors with word choice and pronunciation that were noticeable as well. For example, you said “skying” when you meant “skiing” when you spoke about winter sports. I also heard “interested in the crowdness of this activity.” I am not sure exactly what you meant by “crowdness.” Another time, you said, “relaxtion” instead of “relaxation.” At the end, you said, “and to be pursuited by the governments” when I believed you mean “pursued.”
Here are some sentence structure corrections:
1.) I think myself should continue my sport activities. – I think I should continue playing sports.
2.) I try always to attend the swimming pool. – I always try to go to the swimming pool.
3.) I attemptS to go to the swimming pool. – I ATTEMPT to go to the swimming pool.
4.) I try to attend the stadium to view the game from the crowd. – I try to go to the stadium to watch the games./I try to attend the games as a spectator.
5.) And by doing this, I can feel some kind of special relaxtion while I was watching t.v. – And by doing this, I can relax while I watch t.v.
6.) The hiking – no THE, just hiking
7.) I have been always interested in rugby. – I have always been interested in rugby.
8.) N Korean players get - Should be in past tense

Best wishes on your speaking practice!