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jobs priority in adults

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:19 pm
by niggi naz
Most of the people spend maximum time of their adult life while doing job. That means job's satisfaction is one of the precious ingredient for a job holder. Please illustrate the elements that contribute to the job satisfaction.

It is a real fact that employment rate has been increasing since 20th century. This increased ratio could be specially observed among adults for whom job's satisfaction is more important in their lives.

Science and technology have been getting progress in every field of life. Our life is getting designed by more facilities and luxuries. And to achieve all this, needs and necessities of life have been increased. So, to get satisfaction of a glamorous life man has to fulfill his demands. Therefore, job's satisfaction became a priority for adults. Most of the teenagers try to spend their time in jobs while getting education. They want to have a successful career as well as an elegant lifestyle. They are more impressed by lush cars, heavy bikes and furnished houses and to get all these and to modify their lives, they struggle for a better career in their jobs and they can't wait for a long time. They wish to have feelings of realization by other people. Therefore, their job gives them contentment. Although there are some adults who are holding their family business in adolescence so they have much fascination in getting a healthy income. However, there are some adults who want to get experience and for them job's experience is more important than education.
Overall, we can conclude that job's satisfaction is getting priority among adults to fulfill the basic needs and demands of life.

Re: jobs priority in adults

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 8:49 pm
by Flick
niggi naz wrote:Most people spend maximum time of their adult life while doing job. That means job's satisfaction is one of the precious ingredient for a job holder. Please illustrate the elements that contribute to the job satisfaction.

It is a fact of modern life that the employment rate has been increasing since the 20th century. This increased ratio is especially clear among adults for whom job satisfaction is more important in their lives. (<-- more important than what? Salary? Family?)

Science and technology have become an integral part of every field of life. Our life is being influenced more and more by luxuries and material goods. Our perceived needs and necessities have been changed. So, to get the satisfaction of a glamorous life, man has to fulfill his demands. Therefore, job satisfaction has become a priority for adults. Most teenagers try to spend their time in jobs while getting an education. They want to have a successful career as well as an elegant lifestyle. They are more impressed by lush cars, heavy bikes and furnished houses and to get all these and to modify their lives, they struggle for a better career in their field and they can't wait for a long time. They wish to gain recognition from other people. Therefore, their job gives them contentment. Although there are some adults who are holding their family business in adolescence (<-- I'm not sure what you mean here, sorry.) so they have much fascination in getting a healthy income. However, there are some adults who want to get experience and for them, job satisfaction is more important than education.
Overall, we can conclude that job satisfaction is gaining priority among adults to fulfill the basic needs and demands of life.
Hi niggi naz,

I don't think you address the original task. You need to discuss what gives a person job satisfaction. This could be being well-paid, working with a great team, achieving goals, etc.
In your essay, you discuss why people work - in order to gain the lifestyle they want.
Keep working hard - you are improving every time!
