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Kindly chck my essay and specify bands.... RAVIN

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 11:29 am
by ravisajan
Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

The behaviour of children is often linked with the habits that are developed in the childhood. Some believe that habits are made during school time; others think that parents play important role in teaching good values to the child. In this essay, I will discuss both of the views.

The first point of contact for the child is the parents themselves who can instil good conduct in the child. The parents have more impact on a child than anybody else, so it is easy for them to teach the child etiquettes that are required to be a good member of the society. If parents will show gratitude and respect to the family, the child will learn that too. As parents teach their children to imitate voices, likewise they can teach them the manners as well. The basic behaviour is learned from the family itself.

After parents, it is the teacher that can influence a child and can help in building the character. So, while in school, it becomes the responsibility of a tutor to guide the child well so that they can grow up to be a better part of the society. A teacher can infuse the academic knowledge alongside the behavioural teachings so that it becomes easy for the child to understand the importance of a good character. The educator can teach children to help fellow children that stem the feeling of generosity in them. These teachings will thus make them a better person for the society.

Although there is a debate as who can guide children best towards becoming the profound members of the society, I opine that both parents, as well as teachers, play a vital role in guiding the children properly. One cannot foresee the role of either teacher or parents in character building of the child.