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Please check and rate the essay ------ RAVIN

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 10:47 am
by ravisajan
When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

The customary skills and methods are greatly influenced by the development of the technology. Some people argue that with the growth of technology, the conventional ways of life will soon become obsolete. I agree with this statement and the reasons will be explained in this essay.

Firstly, the main purpose of technology is to save more and more time. Whereas, the old methods are time-consuming. Therefore, people are diverting towards the contemporary techniques in lieu of the older one. It not only saves the time but also enhances the efficiency of the work. Moreover, the modern ideas support multi-tasking features, which are absent in the traditional techniques. It is clear from the additional feature of detecting fake currency notes while counting them in the counting machine, which is not possible if a person is counting it by hand. One has to look separately for the fake notes, which will be the wastage the time. Thus, it is irrelevant to rely on older techniques when there is a new one that can prove to be more beneficial.

Secondly, one can expect precision results from the new technology. Nowadays, technologies keep on improving so as to give the best results to the users. To exemplify, new computer controlled machines have replaced the manual machinery and help in upgrading the industry level. In these times, even the smallest part need the perfection that cannot be provided with the old machinery, so businessmen are incorporating new machines in the circle, banishing the older ones. Apart from the precision outcomes, these developments increase the production level, and hence the growing needs of the public can be catered well. Thus, looking back to the ancient ways and keeping them in usage is worthless.

To conclude, with a tremendous amount of evolution, it is not wise to look back to the traditional ways, thus, it will be futile to go back to the old techniques. In my opinion, it will be better to keep going with the growth and embrace the new technology time to time as preserving and using old ways will be mere wastage of time and resources.

Re: Please check and rate the essay ------ RAVIN

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 9:18 am
by Mark IELTS

This is one of my favourite questions! It's a classic (i.e. old) but it does come up again from time to time. There are some 'classic' errors that candidates make with this question (which might be why it gets repeated!), so let's see if you have made the same mistakes ...

I like the example in the first main paragraph (multitasking) but is counting money really a 'traditional way of life'? In the second main paragraph, again, is comparing using machinery and computers really examining the 'traditional way of life'?

Grammar is reasonable - a good range of structures and quite good accuracy, but I'm afraid you have made the 'classic' error of not writing about traditional things.

All the best,