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Task 2 argument - building new homes in countryside

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 11:57 pm
by rairaichan0115
In many places, new homes are needed, but the only space available for building them is in the countryside. Some people believe it is more important to protect the countryside and not build new homes there.
What is your opinion about this?

The population is grooming all around the world. It has brought a result of urban sprawl. In many sections, some people have suggested built houses in the rural area, however, this suggestion has against by many people. It is agreed that the government should plan to develop countryside area for building new lodging apartment can both increase living standard and providing job opportunities in the regional area.

Firstly, it is an undeniable fact that building more houses in the countryside at the same time there will be more people to move in along with the basic infrastructure also will be improved. For instance, Hong Kong is one of the famous city which is over-population. The government has been developed some remote sections with well-developed primary facilities. This makes it clear that those revolutions have been improved the standard of living in the outland areas. As this shows, the benefit of building new houses in the countryside far outweighs its drawbacks.

Secondly, and even more importantly, though, building new houses in the rural area has relocated people from downtown to regional area as well as provides job chances. To illustrate, Australia government has encouraged newcomers and local residents to that area by offering a lot of job occasions. Consequently, there will be more people willing to stay and work in the remote area. It is obvious from this that it has a positive effect on building new homes in remote areas.

In conclusion, following this look at how building new lodging houses increase living standard and providing job opportunities in the outland, it has been proven that building new homes has more pros than cons. Furthermore, I contend that it seems highly advisable for the government putting more efforts to develop rural areas with well control planning.