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Task 2-discussion make own decision- please evaluate it.thanks

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 12:32 am
by rairaichan0115
Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters (such as food, clothes and entertainment) is likely to result in a society of individuals who only think about their own wishes. Other people believe that it is important for children to make decisions about matter that affect them.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

While some people would argue that authorizing children to make their decisions which may lead them to develop selfish behavior, someone would contend that it is significant for our offspring to make their decisions regarding their own matters. Both sides of this argument will be analyzed before a reasonable conclusion is drawn.

On the one hand, some people are of opinion that letting adolescents choose everything according to their preferences, consequently it may cultivate a group of persons who may just focus on their own wants. For instance, in China, it had carried out one child policy for a long time. Because of only one child at home, their parents would conform their son’s or daughter’s wishes. Therefore, it has resulted in nurturing numerous spoiled children in their society. To make matters worse, because of their selfish behavior had been developed in their childhood life, they may commit the law based on their own preferences in the future. Thus, it is understandable, why many people gravitate toward this point of view.

However, on the other side of this argument, many support the notion that it is critical for juveniles to decide their matters which may influence them. To illustrate, I will let my son make his own decision since he was a child and at the same time, I will remind him to take his obligation. Consequently, this will make him be more careful to make a decision along with raising his sense of duty. After analyzing this fact, it is certainly clear that why many have faith this claim.

In summary, both sides of this argument regarding children should make their decision or not have strongly supported. However, after analyzing the two camps, it is clear that a fully-grown people should develop children’s ability to make their decision. Also, I contend that it is highly advisable for parents preventing over controlling their sons or daughters.