Here are my top tips for the IELTS Speaking Test.
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Here is a Summary
In IELTS speaking part 1, do not just say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to a question – add more information. So if the IELTS examiner asks you “are you studying at university at the moment”, say something like “yes, I am, I’m studying economics at Unversity X right now. In fact, I’m in my seocnd year.”
In Part 2 of the IELTS speaking test, write notes before you talk. Write either a list of keywords to help you remember what to say, or do a quick mind map.
In IELTS Speaking part 2, talk for at least 1 minute
Use fillers such as “well”, “actually”, “I guess” Use linking words such as “because”, “so that”
Paraphrase the questions asked in IELTS speaking parts 2 and 3. This means rephrase the question asked by the examiner to show that you understand it
If you don’t understand the question, tell the examiner, but do so using good language, such as “I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand the question. Do you mean....?” Using language to ask for clarification will get you more marks!
In IELTS speaking part 3, listen very carefully to the questions. The questions might ask you to predict something, to speculate, to hypothesise about something, so listen carefully to the question.
Also in IELTS speaking part 3, you will need to use more complex grammatical structures, such as the second conditional: “if I won the lottery, I would buy a big house for my mum.”
Smile at the IELTS examiner!
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