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The role of education is to prepare children for the modern world....

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 3:56 pm
by harpreetsingh08
The role of education is to prepare children for the modern world. Schools should cut arts and music out of that curriculum so that children can focus on the useful subjects such as information technology.

To what extent do you agree?

It is considered by some that the role of education is to develop children for the present day world. Therefore, more stress should be given to practical subjects such as computer Programming and topics like arts and music should be removed from school curriculum. In my opinion, cutting out social and cultural subject may not necessarily help children to learn other subjects better , on the contrary, it may create new opportunity for students in the future.
Every student has its own capacity to learn and understand things . The interest of a child in particular subject plays an significant role in determining how well he comprehends the subject. Therefore, it is ill-logical to impose subjects on them which they don’t like. In other words, giving choice to select subjects in which a child is more interested will cause more good than harm. We can see this when group of students form a musical band in schools and turn it into a lucrative career when they grow-up. In contrast , lack of choice in education may result into negative growth of a student in future.

Furthermore, modern societies education is not only limited to information technology or scientific discoveries , there is much more to learn and discover. Apart from computers and programming, cultural music and traditional art is an integral part of our society which connect us as a community and as a human being. Not only it helps students to de-stress and socialize, but also creates great career opportunities in future . For instance , In a recent survey of employment opportunities in top ten cities in America , ten percent of the total available jobs were contributed by the music and art industry and two of every ten students participated in the survey preferred acting as primary career choice. It clearly shows that teaching music or cultural subjects is as good as learning other popular subjects such as information technology and data science.

To sum up, there is no doubt that education plays a bigger role in students life, however imposing or limiting the choice of subjects in schools does not guarantee a successful future to students.
Finally, In my opinion , dropping subject like art and music does not assist in preparing student for modern world , In fact , it is child learning capability and interest which plays a vital role.