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Kindly evaluate my task 2

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 4:57 pm
by yendo
TASK : Poor nutrition and obesity is a problem in many developed countries and some people believe that a tax on fast food would reduce the problem. Do you agree?

Nowadays some countries suffer from food shortages and starvation with serious problems to people's health. On the contrary, in many developed countries where food is easily available, there is an increasing number of people that eat fast food which can cause obesity as well as lead to issues derived from unhealthy nutrition.

It is claimed that one key measure to reduce the consumption of junk food among the population and consequently prevent obesity, could be putting a tax on them. Such solution may help people to buy healthier food as many are inclined to purchase convenience food because of their low prices. By raising taxes on this type of aliments, people would be encouraged to eat products that contain more nutrients. However, the increasing prices could badly affect families which struggle with financial problems since cheaper fast food represents the only affordable source of alimentation for them. For this reason, adding taxes would be a better way to help people purchase organic food if governments reduced taxes on markets that sell nutritious food. On the other hand, fast food restaurants may result penalized by these enforcements by losing part of their income but, health of population will certainly benefit.

Another action that could be taken concerns the food education of children at school. By improving their knowledge of product properties they may learn how eating more vegetables and fruit rather than junk food is essential for preventing various diseases and problems that undermine our health. By doing this, younger generations will grow up bearing in mind the importance of cultivating healthy habits such buy and eat nutritious aliments. In addition they will encourage their parents to purchase and cook organic products though working activities, in the modern world, take most of their time and reduce that dedicated to cook properly.

In conclusion, establishing taxes on fast food is an action needed to be taken combined with other solutions in order to completely benefit of its effect and not create more difficulties for poor people.

Re: Kindly evaluate my task 2

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 6:56 am
by Ish
Nowadays some developing countries suffer from various serious problems such as: food shortages and starvation with serious problems to people's health. On the contrary, in many developed countries where food is easily available, there is an increasing number of people who that eat binge on fast food which can cause obesity as well as other health related problems. lead to issues derived from unhealthy nutrition.

It is claimed that one key measure to reduce the consumption of junk food among the population which and consequently prevent obesity, could be putting levying a tax on it them. Such solution may direct/force(any one) help people to buy healthy food as many of them many are inclined to purchase convenience food because of their low prices. (By raising taxes on this type of unhealthy aliments, people would be encouraged to eat products that contain healthier nutrients. ) Same as above. Along with this, if governments government reduced promote and reduce taxes on markets vendors that sell nutritious food, it would be a better way to help people purchase organic food. However, the increasing the taxes which in turn raises the prices could badly affect lower income group ,since cheaper fast food represents the only affordable source of alimentation for them.

Another action that could be taken is to educate the children about the benefits of healthy food products concerns the food education of children at school. By improving their knowledge of product properties they may learn how eating more vegetables and fruit rather than junk food is essential for them. This may also assist in preventing various diseases and problems that undermine our health. By doing this, younger generations will grow up bearing in mind the importance of cultivating healthy habits such as buying and eating nutritious aliments (repetition)]. In addition, they will encourage their parents to purchase and cook organic products.

In conclusion, establishing taxes taxing on fast food is an action needed to be taken and various other solutions could be implemented to curb the growing unhealthy practices among developed nations. combined with other solutions in order to completely benefit of its effect and not create more difficulties for poor people. Need rephrase.

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