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Kindly check my writing task2 (encouraging students to study science)

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 2:52 am
by Praoparn
Essay topics: In some rich countries, the number of children at secondary or high school who are taking science subjects in declining. What effect might this have on the children’s and their countries’ futures? How can children be encouraged to study science?

In recent years, the number of pupils, who take science, has decreased in a significant level. This essay will describe the results of this and suggest some practical solutions.

On the one hand, as a few students start dropping science in their secondary school, they are able to carry on more with their favourite subjects. For example, many people might not like numerical calculation and are more comfort with arts and languages, as a result, if they were forced to study what they do not like, they might not be able to do well in that areas. In other words, they can do much better on their chosen subjects.

However, this could lead to a gap in their knowledge as they grow up. To illustrate, even a renown artist, who can create hundreds of master-piece of art works, still need to be able to calculate a basic math in order to live in the real world. In addition, science teaches people the thinking process. Should there be no scientists left in a country, that nation might face a lack in technological advancement in several areas such as medicine, engineering, and transportation, as children today are adults, who are the major workforce of the country, tomorrow.

In a nutshell, young generations should be encouraged to study science. In my opinion, I suggest the educational authorities make them understand the significance of this so that they will know that they are not just studying as they are forced to do so. Parents and teachers are also the ones, who they trust in, thus if these people can show them more on how they can use science in real-life, this will be so useful for them as well.

Re: Kindly check my writing task2 (encouraging students to study science)

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 8:46 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

This is a good essay. Your points are clear, though a little more development might be good, especially in the first main paragraph which is about the same length as the conclusion.

You have used a good range of language - both in terms of grammar and vocabulary. There are some errors, but meaning is clear.

Well done!