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Task 2- argument-pls evaluate it- parent attend parent training courses

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 8:17 am
by rairaichan0115
It is necessary for parents to attend parent training courses to bring their children up. Do you agree or disagree?

In the contemporary society, the modern families become small household. It is universal to have only one child in their families. Also, bringing children up is unlikely as simple as the previous generation. Someone has suggested that parents have to be taught regarding nurture their offspring. It is agreed that parents have to join parent training courses. This argument will be discussed by looking at how the training programs can both increase their various skills in a different period of time and improving their relationship with their adolescents.

First of all, it is an undeniable fact that most of the parents do not have proper skills for taking care of their daughters or sons, especially when they are the first time to be father or mother. For instance, in Hong Kong government has offered several courses for them regarding the details of how to take care of their newborn infants. This makes it clear that these programs have provided a lot of accurate information and instruction to them. Therefore they can prevent some unnecessary mistakes. As this shows, the benefit of attending such courses far outweigh its drawbacks.

Secondly, and even more important, though, these training courses can improve the relationship between parents and their juveniles. To illustrate, in Hong Kong, there are various communities to provide some courses which are assisting fathers or mothers to comprehend what their offspring’s thinking and difficulties. Consequently, these activities can reduce the conflicts between two generations and help them to build up a splendid relationship. It is obvious from this that it has a positive effect of being presented these training courses.

In conclusion, following this look at how attending parent training activities can advance their various techniques and amend the relationship with their children, it has been proven that joining these programs have more pros than cons. Furthermore, I contend that it seems highly advisable for the council to encourage their citizens to join these courses in their leisure time.