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Ryan nd other evaluate task 1 : pie chart

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:06 am
by chadny013
The pie charts represent the proportion of people of two country by categories them in three different age group. The charts also predicted the population after 50 years. No obvious correlation between the charts of two countries.
In Yemen, from 46.3% proportion 15-59 years age group is second position in 2000, where after 50 years later it will be increase by 11%. Equally, the elderly aged people(+60) followed the same pattern rise from (3.6 to 5.7 %) 2000 to 2050. On the other hand, early aged group (0-14) in the highest position (50%) in 2000 and surprisingly it is predicted to decline at 37% in 2050.
However, for Italy it is totally opposite scenario. 15-59 years age people achieved a dominating position in 2000 and it will remain at same position with different numbers. Conversely, age group of 0-14 will decrease from its 2000 year position by 3%( 14.3 to 11.5%) . Moreover, it is interestingly notice that, older aged people only have proportion of 24.1 % in 2000, where it is auspice to be around double by 2050(42.3%).