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Please evaluate my Task !

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 9:39 pm
by nataliasu89
The hours of sunshine are different in every part of the world. I´m going to comparate the three major cities, London, New York and Sydney.
New York is the sunniest city of all, next Sydney and the last one is London, with only 1,180 hours of sun per year.
In January, in New York, there is less than 5 degrees; in the other hand, Sydney has more than 25 degrees.
In july, Sydney has the lowest temperature of the year, 15 degrees, and New York the highest one, 30 degrees.
I can see that Sydney is a warm city all over the year. Instead of New York, the temperature there change a lot. In summer there is more than 30 degrees and in winter less than 5 degrees.
If someone doesn´t like living in a place where the temperatures change a lot, London is perfect. It isn´t too hot or too cold. But the sun doesn´t appear frequently.

Re: Please evaluate my Task !

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 3:25 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

No chart!
