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Task 2: Some people think that school should involve students in deciding on how to run school? Do you agree?

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 4:43 pm
by shehmed
Topic: Some people think that school should involve students in deciding on how to run school? Do you agree?


It is often believed that schools ought to engage pupils in the decision-making of running schools effectively. In my opinion, I agree that students should participate as decision makers as it will greatly benefit both individuals and schools.

A good reason to students' involvement is sharing leadership and democracy in school systems and structures. There are usually several different structures in place in schools, such as school councils. We can create various councils within the same structure, for example, form councils and class councils, and this can enable the participation of almost all students. By actively participating in such activities, they will learn leadership skills.

Another point to consider is that by engaging pupils in decision-making will benefit in reviewing and developing school rules, policies and procedures. Students, in partnership with staff and peers, can come up with better rules and policies regarding bullying, sex education and drug education. As a result, this will enhance students' decision-making, negotiating and communication skills.

Finally, involving pupils in decisions about their education is a good approach to run schools effectively. In this way, students will be able to give their feedback on the method of teaching and the course content based on their current learning. Therefore, this will result in better and modern ways of teaching and content methodologies which would help them learn practically and understand easily. Also, this will play a significant role in improving curriculum which will reflect the practical needs of all students.

In conclusion, the role of students as decision-maker in various activities and departments, will not only enable them to learn extra skills, such as leadership, decision-making and communication but also result in a better school management.

Re: Task 2: Some people think that school should involve students in deciding on how to run school? Do you agree?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 3:54 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

Basically, a good essay. I notice that you use 'will' a lot. How do you know for sure that these results WILL happen? I think that you have failed to prove that these results will be for the majority of students.

This is reflected in the limited range of grammatical structures - no conditionals!

However, the basic ideas are valid. Vocabulary is good, though not well-used. There are relatively few (and unimportant) grammatical errors.

All the best,