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(Repost) Please Assess My Task 2 General Training. Thank You!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:22 am
by antsatno
It is better to save money than to spend it. How far do you agree or disagree? Is saving more important than spending in today’s world?

Earning money is always a tough process. Earned money must be carefully used for our future needs. Many people spend their full salary amount without focusing on their savings. Even though it’s not easy for us to live without spending money, one should plan for their savings. In this essay, we will come up with arguments to support this claim.

First, future is always unpredictable. We never know, what will happen down the next, say 10 years. Today we might be earning $8000 dollars per month. But what about our next year salary? Will it be $10000 or will be 200$ dollars? Will my job is permanent? We never know. By looking at our future, one needs to be very careful in their expenditure. For example, a family person, he or she needs to plan their month expenditure accordingly to increase their savings. Having a good savings for you and for your family helps a lot in the future.

Secondly, savings will help us to retire in our life soon. One cannot work fully during his or her lifetime. He or she needs to take a call on their retirement. This decision can be made only after looking at your life long savings. With the interest amount of your savings, one can enjoy their life after retirement. Many call this sort of enjoyment is bore and doesn't make sense. However as we have seen in the above paragraph discussion, future can be unpredictable and falling into the savings mode will be our safe game.

Spending money is mandatory for our daily needs, however at the other hand savings is crucial to have. Savings will help us in the near future, hence once need to plan their savings. The benefits of savings have been discussed in this essay to support these statements.

Re: (Repost) Please Assess My Task 2 General Training. Thank You!

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 1:21 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

Introduction - Always? Really? People might not save money because they can't. Their living costs might take their whole salaries.

Your main paragraphs contain good ideas, although the development is a little simplistic. For instance, sure, we cannot absolutely predict our future income, but most people have a pretty reasonable idea, barring disasters.

The conclusion is not clearly 'your' conclusion.

The range of grammatical structures is limited (see 'simplistic development' above). However, there are not too many mistakes and they do not really affect meaning. Vocabulary is clear enough.

Overall, a reasonable essay, but it could be improved fairly easily.

All the best,