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Please evaluate Taks 2 Response

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 10:51 am
by arsa818
Question: The world is consuming natural resources faster that they can be renewed. Therefore, it is important that products are made to last. Governments should discourage people from constantly buying more up to date or fashionable products.
To what extent do you agree with this statement.

Answer: It is important to consider that consumption pattern has been changed in past few decades. Some argue that disposable products are consuming natural resources faster and governments should play its role to change buying habits of people. I totally agree with this argument and believe that this could be discourage by improving product quality and investment in recycling industry.
Buying habits of customers can be changed by improving product quality of the products. Development in gadgets is so frequent that it encourage buyers to get these products despite the fact that they own one. Take washing machine as an example, automatic machines are getting so popular that every house hold women want to buy one. However, these machines are not made to work last, as sub standard material is used in its production. This make these machines disposable so families are ready to but new one.

In addition to this, investment in recycling industry will be beneficial in preserving natural resources. Governments should promote products that are recyclable and encourage investors to invest in recycling business. This could be achieved by providing subsidy for importing machinery and declare this industry as tax free zone. For example, plastic bottles are consumed at wide scale and if these bottles are recycled, considerable amount of raw plastic could be saved. Such techniques are very useful for preservation of raw material.
To sum up, it is true that people are consuming more, however, through recycling and improvement in product quality , natural resources can be saved for future.

Please evaluate in detail and recommend expected score. I would be grateful for this contribution .

Re: Please evaluate Taks 2 Response

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 12:41 pm
by David.IELTS.Examiner

I think that your basic points are good. I'm not sure about the 'substandard materials' used in production, but ....

It seems that some ideas are not developed much, but I think that you have done what you can in a short essay.

There is good use of a range of connectives and grammar, though there are many basic grammatical errors (e.g. it encourage), so I would recommend focusing on that in your preparation. Vocabulary is good and clear.

Overall, just watch the grammar. Aside from that, not bad at all.

All the best,