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Task 2- GM Foods- Please Evaluate

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 11:14 pm
by Yasser.Azab
With a growing world population one of the most pressing issues is that of feeding such a large numbers of people. Some people think that GM foods offer a viable solution to this problem.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?


World population has exceeded 7 billion. This increasing population has led to an emerging problem which is the food supply. Genetically modified foods have been significantly abundant in the past couple of years. It is agreed that these kinds of food will provide a reliable solution for such an issue. This will be proven through analyzing their advantages.

Firstly, abundance of production is the first merit of GM foods. Gene modulation has enabled us to introduce modified crops with greater yield. For instance, in Hawaii, virus resistant papaya has increased yields by an average of 40 percent. As a result, the same area of land acquired the ability to generate a higher amount of produce. Thus, genetic modification can contribute readily to solve food shortage.

Secondly, it is now possible to introduce better traits to plants. An example for that, in Egypt, one of the major problems that was facing rice farming was the great quantities of water required for irrigation. After importing genetically modified seeds, Egypt has been able to grow rice with much less amount of water. As a consequence, it will be much easier for countries with limited water supply to produce considerable amount of harvest. After analyzing this, it is clear that genetic modulation will have a great role in feeding more people.

Following the analysis of the ability of genetic change to give bigger outcomes and acquiring crops better characters, it is clear that genetically modified food will play a great role in the elimination of food shortage which may face the increasing population in the future. It is expected that further research will be held in this field in the upcoming years.

Re: Task 2- GM Foods- Please Evaluate

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 2:02 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

'It is agreed' - who by?

The points for the two main paragraphs are the same - changing genes to create a better plant.

Regarding arguments, you have not looked at any other possibilities, so there is no real proof that GM is the best way forward.

Vocabulary is good. Grammatical accuracy is quite good, but range is a little limited. For instance, there is a lack of conditional sentences.

Overall, a reasonable essay which could easily be improved.

All the best,