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Task II Essay

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 1:28 am
by srikanth509
Hi All,

Could you please evaluate the below essay.
The main aim of advertising is to increase the sales volume, but it drives people to buy products they don’t really need. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion
Advertisements are best the way to promote a new product into the market. The advertisements are designed in such a way that, they attract the people towards the product and make them to buy the product. However, some advertisements make people to do lot of unnecessary shopping. In my opinion, advertisements have both positive and negative impacts on people. I try to explain the reasons in the following paragraphs.
On one side, advertisements create awareness about a new product among the public. In the advertisements, the functionality of the product is demonstrated and the benefits of using that product is also mentioned. As a result of this people also show interest to purchase the product and use the same. The introduction of new washing powder surf excel has created revolution in the market. Lot of people are impressed by the advertisement and they are enjoying using the product. Without advertisements people will not be benefitted of using this new product.
On the other side, advertisements are designed only to attract the public. In these advertisements the only best features about the product are highlighted and the negative points never be talked. Sometimes the companies approach the celebrities to promote their products in the market. People purchase these products even if they are not really required them. I have seen most of my friends changed their mobile phones to Nokia N90 during its arrival into market. They were very impressed by its promotion in the market and when they have started using it they were very disappointed.
To sum up, advertisements influence the people easily to purchase a new product entered into market. Despite people are getting to know about the product easily, people are doing lot of unnecessary shopping by advertisements. The advertisements are causing more damage than the help they do.

Thanks & Regards

Re: Task II Essay

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 1:16 am
by srikanth509

Can someone please evaluate my essay and provide estimated band score.

Thanks & Regards

Re: Task II Essay

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:39 am
by yeasina
I am seriously agree with the quotation , Advertisement should increase the sales volume of the products , every time the quality and future of the products has been changed with in time , if Advertiser not advertizement their products consumer are unaware about the products , but with the help of the advertiser consumer may choose their perfect products , need are changing everyday , with new products , new technology we can not know how to use it . all this things are done by the advertiser , So I think this quotation is perfect

Re: Task II Essay

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:39 pm
by Flick
srikanth509 wrote: The main aim of advertising is to increase the sales volume, but it drives people to buy products they don’t really need. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion
Advertisements are best the way to promote a new product being introduced to the market. The advertisements are designed in such a way that they attract people to the product and make them want to buy the product. However, some advertisements make people do a lot of unnecessary shopping. In my opinion, advertisements have both positive and negative impacts on people. I will try to explain the reasons in the following paragraphs.
On one side, advertisements create awareness about a new product among the public. In the advertisements, the functionality of the product is demonstrated and the benefits of using that product is also mentioned. As a result of this, people become interested in the product and want to buy it. For example, the introduction of a new washing powder, Surf Excel, has created a revolution in the market. Lots of people are impressed by the advertisement and are enjoying using the product. Without advertisements, people will not know about the benefits of using this new product.
On the other side, advertisements are designed only to attract the public. In these advertisements, only the best features of the product are highlighted while the negative points are not mentioned. Sometimes, companies approach celebrities to promote their products in the market. People purchase these products even if they don't really require them. I watched most of my friends change their mobile phones to Nokia N90when if first came out. They were very impressed by its promotion, but when they started using it, they were very disappointed.
To sum up, advertisements influence people to purchase new products. Advertising helps people get to know the product, but also means people are doing lot of unnecessary buying. I believe advertisements are causing more damage than good.
Your examples were very good, especially the Nokia phone example. Well done!

Re: Task II Essay

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 7:06 am
by srikanth509
Hi Flick,

Thank You a lot for the feedback given. I will work on my errors and minimize the same.

Thanks & Regards