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please evaluate my essay (general)

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 10:16 pm
by Hazem123
Some people think it would be a good idea for schools to teach every young person how to be a good parent.Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Describe the skills a person need to be a good parent.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


Nowadays, youngsters are taught various subjects at school more than ever before. It is suggested by some people that learning to be a perfect parent should be included in their curricula. Although some people refute that, I believe this seems to be a good idea. This will be proven by describing some of the skills that a person should have to achieve this goal.

Firstly, a parent is supposed to be a hard worker. Hard-workers are usually able to achieve better success in their lives. This, in turn, will make them get higher wages by which they can support his family as well as providing their children with high-quality education that will make them unique among their colleagues. For instance, I know some of my acquaintance who are studying for their Master’s degree in the UK that is a dream for most people. When looking at their parents, I realized that they are competent workers or even entrepreneurs. This makes it clear that not only do active and competent workers able to bring better future for themselves but they also improve their children’s lives. Thus, people consider this trait to be essential to be a good parent.

Secondly, a father or a mother ought to possess good administrative skills. Some experts believe that a house should be managed the same way as a company. Their claim is based on the fact that their sons’ lives should be planned properly to raise a citizen that leads a good life and that proves beneficial to his society. This illustrates the importance of planning to everything including one’s life. Thus, it is thought that people should learn that skill to become efficient parents.

In conclusion, after reviewing some abilities a parent should have, it is shown obviously that students should be taught such skills as part of their syllabi to be prepared to become a good parent.