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Please grade my writing task one

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 2:43 am
by prathap
Write a letter to a manager of the taxi company to complain about the problem with the taxi service used by you.
• When and where you used the taxi
• Describe a problem you have faced
• What do you expect the manager to do?

Dear Manager,

I am writing this to express my dissatisfaction and to place a formal complaint on your taxi service.

Recently, i have been to Bangalore on a business trip and rented your taxi for two days i.e., from 7th-9th of April.

The car was extremely good and it has all the required features. But, due to the negligence of the driver, i have faced some critical issues. The first one is he did not come to airport on time to pickup me. I have waited for sometime and booked another cab to reach my hotel. On the second day, when i was travelling from hotel to workplace, one of the car tyre got puncture and the car does not have an extra wheel. This lead to book another taxi and waste my valuable time.

Though i have booked your cab for two days, i have traveled on other vehicles. I did not expect this type of horrible and unaccepted service from a prestigious taxi service company. To compensate this, i ask you to return my money or provide a free service on my next trip to Bangalore.

I hope you will take all measures to have a peaceful journey to all of your customers.

Look forward to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,
Prathap Reddy.

Re: Please grade my writing task one

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 3:41 am
by yhjsaber
never begin a sentence in English with "and, but, so, then, because." "Because" and "but" are grammatically incorrect

Re: Please grade my writing task one

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 4:53 am
by durai
Dear Manager,

I am writing this( remove 'this' to express my dissatisfaction, and to place a formal complaint on your taxi service. ( any one, either "dissatisfaction or complain"

Recently, i have been to Bangalore on a business trip and rented your taxi for two days i.e., from 7th-9th of April.( you need to check your tense here, you have used 'and' clause , so both sentence should be in the same tense, also u said two days, but you gave 3 days 7th , 8th and 9th, so take care for such simple mistakes ( sample: I recently hired a taxi for my business trip to Bangalore from 7th to 9th April.

The car was extremely( wrong tone, becasue you were complaining about car tyre later on) good, and it had all the essential features. Unfortunately, with the negligence of the driver, I have faced some critical issues. The first one is he did not come to airport on time( this sentence sounds bit awkward) to pickup me.( Firstly, he did not pick me up from the airport on time, in fact he arrived late by 2 hours. I have waited ( "did wait" sounds more stylish than " have waited" for sometime and took another cab to reach my hotel. On the second day, when i was travelling from hotel to workplace, one of the car tyres had punctured, and the car does not carried a spare tyre. an extra wheel ( waht do you mena by wheel? may be you mean "tyre" here. So I had to book another taxi, and these incidents wasted my valuable time.

Even though I have booked your cab for two days, I did not use it completely because of your poor service . I did not expect this ("type of: remove) horrible and unacceptable service from such a prestigious taxi service company. To compensate this, I ask you to return full money or provide a free service on my next trip to Bangalore.

I hope you will take all measures to have a peaceful journey for your customers.

Look forward to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,
Prathap Reddy. i think full stop at the end of your name is not essential

task response is visible but many grammar mistakes top the flow to the reader, sometimes reader have to go through two or three times to understand.

lexical resource is enough for the task, but some word choices are not accurate, but it doesn't impede communication.

suggestions: keep simple sentences until you are very confident of different grammatical structures.

the above could be around band 5.5 to 6 ( I am not an assessor)

Re: Please grade my writing task one

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 3:04 am
by prathap
Thank you durai.

Re: Please grade my writing task one

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 7:59 am
by Flick
prathap wrote:Write a letter to a manager of the taxi company to complain about the problem with the taxi service used by you.
• When and where you used the taxi
• Describe a problem you have faced
• What do you expect the manager to do?

Dear Manager,

I am writing this to express my dissatisfaction and to place a formal complaint against your taxi service.

Recently, I was in Bangalore on a business trip and rented your taxi for two days from 7th-9th of April.

The car was extremely good and it had all the required features. But, due to the negligence of the driver, I faced some critical issues. The first one is he was not at the airport on time to pick me up. I waited for a while and finally booked another cab to reach my hotel. On the second day, when I was travelling from my hotel to my workplace, one of the car tyres got a puncture and the car did not have a spare tyre. This led to the booking of another taxi and more time wasted.

Though I booked your cab for two days, I mostly traveled in other vehicles. I did not expect this type of horrible and unacceptable service from a prestigious taxi company. To compensate forthis, I ask for a refund or free service on my next trip to Bangalore.

(I hope you will take all measures to give all your customers.) <-- This doesn't add to your meaning.[/color]

I look forward to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,
Prathap Reddy.
Hi Prathap,

Good job. You clearly state the reasons why you are unhappy and suggest a fair compensation.
