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Please Evaluate Writing Task 2.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:26 am
by Katy Semm
Question:- Modern Technology, such as personal computers and the internet, have made it possible for many people to do their work from home at least part of the time instead of going to an office every day.

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages?


The latest advancements in information and web technology have let majority of individuals to operate from home and not going to their workplace on daily basis. This essay will examine some merits and demerits of the situation cited above.

According to me, a key benefit of having the opportunity to work from home allows people to save a lot of time and energy. There are many people whose offices are situated at distant locations and this not only wastes their time, but their energy too. If the beginning of a day would be so stressful for an individual, he will not be able to perform his duties for the rest of the day that well. Therefore in my opinion work from home let people utilize their ability to the fullest. Another advantage is the level of performance delivered by people. In recent studies, it has been observed that people who work from home, shows the best of their ability. This might be due to fact that at home, the atmosphere is less stressful and favorable that they can execute their duties in a better manner.

On the opposite side, this situation has a few drawbacks as well. Firstly, to staying at home can make a person dull and lazy, whereas going to office builds up a routine and makes the person more active, leading them to become energetic and efficient. Secondly, to work in a team with co-employees fosters creatively and learning which otherwise would not be possible. In other words, to be able to function from home cut down communication with others which can result in limiting ideas to them and it might affect the output.

To sum up, it can be said that with the development in telecommunication and information technology, people prefer jobs where they can function from home. In my opinion, probably the freedom of this situation, if not misused can make up some of the best employees.


Re: Please Evaluate Writing Task 2.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 7:25 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

Merits and demerits? I honestly have NEVER heard a native speaker use that phrase.

According to me? You mean 'In my opinion'

Ah! Now I give you credit for actually mentioning particular fields of work ... BUT you only mention them in the conclusion, without explaining why these jobs are good examples, ... so I take the credit away again ... :twisted:

Now, as for the 'dull and lazy' point, you need to provide some evidence for this. There are plenty of office environments that are 'dull' and make people 'lazy'.

Does working from home really 'cut down' communication with others? Explain. Is this a good thing? Explain.

Vocabulary and grammar are both good, but you haven't really constructed a convincing argument.

All the best,