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Kindly correct my essay:)

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 10:03 am
With the development of online communication, people will never be alone and will always be able to make new friends?
To what extent do you agree?
The widespread popularity of computer-mediate communication has enabled people's connectivity to a great extent. I agree that in this digital world it is very difficult to be alone and it undeniably enhances new friendships. This essay will point out the pivotal role of mediated communication in facilitating new friend circles and eliminating the feeling of loneliness among people.

There are myriad benefits of online communication. Firstly, this type of communication has astonishingly mitigated the geographical barriers. Today it is possible to contact family or friends either through e-mails or instant messaging in a seconds time, without bearing massive bills for using it. As websites such as Facebook, Skype or Whatsapp provide quick and convenient access to either message or call anywhere in the world, therefore one is in constant touch at any place and time. For instance, I starkly remember how I obviated the feeling of being lonely or homesick through online communication. Thus, it is clear that in today's digital world one cannot feel lonely anywhere.

Secondly, the advent of electronic communication has successfully assuaged cultural differences among dissimilar nationalities. The millennials are mostly digital natives and lead a virtual life. The social networking websites and the internet are being used by everyone and through them, it is convenient to connect people residing miles away. To illustrate, I reside in India and have never been abroad but because of this mediated communication, I have pals from various countries. This not only promotes exchanging each other cultural beliefs and languages but also help me in understanding their lifestyles and culture. Thus, the central role of online communication in making friends is quite evident.
To conclude, I reaffirm my position that electronic communication affirmatively enhance friendships and eliminates negative emotions like loneliness. I hope that much more people realise the advantages of online communication in future.

Re: Kindly correct my essay:)

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 8:44 pm
by Flick
RAGI wrote:With the development of online communication, people will never be alone and will always be able to make new friends?
To what extent do you agree?
The widespread popularity of computer-mediated communication has enabled people's connectivity to a great extent. I agree that in this digital world, it is very difficult to be alone and it undeniably enables new friendships. This essay will point out the pivotal role of mediated communication in facilitating new friend circles and eliminating the feeling of loneliness among people.

There are myriad benefits of online communication. Firstly, this type of communication has greatly mitigated geographical barriers. Today it is possible to contact family or friends either through e-mail or instant messaging in a second, without bearing massive bills for using it. As websites such as Facebook, Skype or Whatsapp provide quick and convenient access to either message or call anywhere in the world, one is in constant contact, anywhere, anytime. For instance, when living alone, I obviated the feeling of being lonely or homesick through online communication. Thus, it is clear that in today's digital world, one cannot feel lonely anywhere.

Secondly, the advent of electronic communication has successfully assuaged cultural differences among dissimilar nationalities. Millennials are mostly digital natives and lead a virtual life. Social networking websites and the internet are being used by everyone and through them, it is convenient to connect with people residing thousands of miles away. To illustrate, I reside in India and have never been abroad but because of this mediated communication, I have friends in various countries. This not only promotes exchanging cultural beliefs and languages, but also helps me in understanding their lifestyles and cultures. Thus, the central role of online communication in making friends is quite evident.

To conclude, I reaffirm my position that electronic communication positively enhances friendships and eliminates negative emotions like loneliness. I hope that many more people realise the advantages of online communication in the future.