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Please, check my WT2

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 6:44 pm
by murad agayev
TOPIC: Advertising encourage people to buy in quantity rather than promoting its quality. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Advertisements play an important role in modern business and in our daily lives as its informative role about products and services. However advertising motivate people to purchase good in wholesale rather than promoting their quality. I completely agree with this opinion, because I believe that people are persuaded by advertising campaigns to buy items in bulk.

On the one hand, useful discounts are offered in the market places on buying more products. For example, the surplus goods are given for free or in the lowest price in the most markets. Thus, by advertising such free goods, people are induced for buying extra same or related products. It is apparent that the aim of such advertising campaigns is invoking customers to purchase products and services in larger quantity rather than quality.

On the other hand, some companies compel customers in buying their products a lot by providing a surprise. For instance, while businesses aim to increase sales they hold lottery games exclusively over a low quality product, and people are enticed to consume them in high quantity in this way. So, it is obvious that advertising focuses on selling products in large number.

In conclusion, it is clear that advertising campaigns use unavoidable gifts and catchy discounts in selling a lot of goods and services rather than holding promotional events about their quality. In this case consumers prefer buying such products and fall victim to such advertising tricks. It is hoped that the government will take some measures on regulating advertising rules.

Re: Please, check my WT2

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 1:53 pm
by David.IELTS.Examiner

Overall, this essay is quite good. The examples are quite specific, however, and it might be better to use more common examples that relate more to consumerism. On the other hand, you might be describing the situation in your particular country, which is fine, but you should say this.

Vocabulary is good, with some topic-specific items, e.g. wholesale, induce, in bulk, motivate, fall victim.

Grammar is good in terms of range, but there are some basic errors. However, meaning is not affected.

Well done!

Re: Please, check my WT2

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 5:25 pm
by murad agayev
Thanks Mr.David :)

Re: Please, check my WT2

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 9:04 pm
by Flick
murad agayev wrote:TOPIC: Advertising encourage people to buy in quantity rather than promoting its quality. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Advertisements play an important role in modern business and in our daily lives in its informative role about products and services. However, many people believe that advertising motivates people to purchase goods wholesale rather than promoting their quality. I completely agree with this opinion, because I believe that people are persuaded by advertising campaigns to buy items in bulk.

On the one hand, useful discounts are offered in the market places on buying more products. For example, the surplus goods are given away for free or at the lowest price in many markets. Thus, by advertising such free goods, people are induced into buying more of the same or related products. It is apparent that the aim of such advertising campaigns is to convince customers to purchase products and services in a larger quantity rather than quality.

On the other hand, some companies compel customers to buy their products by providing a surprise. For instance, when businesses aim to increase sales they might have a competition for a low quality product, and people are enticed to consume that product in higher quantities in this way. So, it is obvious that advertising focuses on selling products in bulk.

In conclusion, it is clear that advertising campaigns use gifts and catchy discounts to sell a lot of goods and services rather than holding promotional events around their quality. In this case, consumers prefer buying such products and fall victim to such advertising tricks. It is hoped that the government will take some measures in regulating advertising rules.