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T2: innovative vs collaborative staff. B 7+

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 1:35 am
by plin0627
Some people think that when recruiting, company should aim to take on people who are innovative and are able to work independently while others considered they should recruit people who are able to work in a team and follow instructions.
Discuss both and give your own opinion.

Recruiting a suitable employee is always a challenge to most companies. During the recruitment process, company has to take into account the personality and capability of a candidate. While some people prefer employing a collaborative and instructions follower, I would argue that employing an innovative and independent person would be more suitable.

A creative and independent employee is usually an effective problem solver and a challenger. In other words, they are skilful, motivated and enthusiastic in dealing with and addressing any issues occurred. These employees can quickly come out with ideas and strategies, then put them into practice immediately. From my working experience, these individuals are often valued and promoted by the management. Unlike passive workers who normally respond towards instructions, they seem to be a great asset to the organisation.

Conversely, hiring a staff who has the sense of collaboration and are adhering to instructions ensure least mistakes and efficiency, especially in large size of organisations. These qualities are required at workplaces, for example, IT distribution centres, as to ensure delivery can be made at the right time and to the right place. All workers work together, follow guidelines provided and listen to their superiors so that there is little mistake, conflicts and then efficiency can be achieved. However, a self-reliance and innovative worker is definitely required in any nature of business, be it multinational companies or sole traders. They are more productive. By taking initiative to solve problems and risks, the administration and management of a company will be improved. Thus, their skills and abilities are undoubtedly needed in any working environments.

In conclusion, I personally think that employing someone who works innovatively and independently is more desirable as they are more proactive and willing to take an extra mile to stimulate personal and workplace developments. Instead, although cooperative staff is appreciated but they are not as capable as the former candidate.

P/S: i'm particularly worry of the cohesive and coherance of the essay. please evaluate and provide feedback in this area. Thanks!

Re: T2: innovative vs collaborative staff. B 7+

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:15 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

I don't like this question! :evil:

First main paragraph - Why are they skillful, motivated and enthusiastic? Why can they put them into practice immediately?

Second main paragraphs - Why are creative and independent people more productive? Do we want people taking risks? Isn't the one who fails to follow the rules the one who takes risks? Why will administration be improved?

Conclusion - Absolutely not proven.

That's why I don't like this question! Most candidates will simply make a list of assertions without any real analysis.

All the best,

Re: T2: innovative vs collaborative staff. B 7+

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 1:55 am
by plin0627
Hi David, thanks for your evaluation. i don't like this question either. It's so difficult to answer and analyse in detailed. i'd revise for many times but it still doesnt sound right to me. I'll work on it again to build a cohesive essay.. thanks much!

Re: T2: innovative vs collaborative staff. B 7+

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:13 pm
by Flick
plin0627 wrote:Some people think that when recruiting, company should aim to take on people who are innovative and are able to work independently while others considered they should recruit people who are able to work in a team and follow instructions.
Discuss both and give your own opinion.

Recruiting a suitable employee is always a challenge to most companies. During the recruitment process, the company has to take into account the personality and capability of a candidate. While some people prefer to employ a collaborative instruction follower, I would argue that employing an innovative and independent person would be more suitable.

A creative and independent employee is usually an effective problem solver and a challenger. In other words, they are skillful, motivated and enthusiastic in addressing any issues that occur. These employees can quickly come up with ideas and strategies, then put them into practice immediately. From my working experience, these individuals are often valued and promoted by the management. Unlike passive workers who normally respond to instructions, they seem to be a great asset to the organisation.

Conversely, hiring a staff who has a strong sense of collaboration and adherence to instructions ensures fewer mistakes and greater efficiency, especially in larger organisations. These qualities are required at workplaces, for example IT distribution centres, to ensure delivery can be made at the right time and to the right place. All workers work together, follow guidelines and listen to their superiors so that there are few mistakes or conflicts, which improves efficiency. However, a self-reliant and innovative worker is definitely required in any business, be it multinational companies or sole traders. They are more productive. By taking initiative to solve problems and take risks, the administration and management of a company will be improved. Thus, their skills and abilities are undoubtedly needed in any working environment.

In conclusion, I personally think that employing someone who works innovatively and independently is more desirable as they are more proactive and willing to go that extra mile to stimulate personal and workplace development, whicl cooperative staff is appreciated but are not as capable as the former candidate.