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Task II

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 4:48 pm
by Muxtar
In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as
completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience, important for learning
and taking responsibility.
What are your opinions on this?

People have different views whether it is a valuable for children to work for certain amount of money or it is worthwile to get experience.Although there are convincing arguments in favor of evading from working for some kind of paid work,I personally believe that working in an early age is beneficial.

Firstly,it is important to note that children have a countless potential energy in terms of creation of continuing workplace or reliable carreer.At the same time these people have a better chance to be overwhelmed under the burden of difficulties of their life.There is likelihood that somebody who work as a salesman in any shop will presumably learn how to communicate with various kinds of people.In other word,such people it is expected to acquire significant work experience and consistently a great deal of money to provide their family with minimum amount of money.

As children seek to worklife, some workplaces can be seen a complex to these people and they can be involved in tough works which in turn lead to some inevitable injures on their healthy and mind .Moreover,if they are studying at school,there is no doubt that they will not draw their attention on school subject,homework as well.

To sum up, there are convincing points both for and against to ignore from working for any factory or company, I believe that working is always better than standing in the same position

Re: Task II

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:05 am
by allen_zhang
People hold different view as to whether or not should they encourage their children to get a part-time job. While I accept that academic study, school and social activities are important to children, I believe that they can also benefits from a suitable part-time job immensely.

To begin with, teenagers can learn useful skills from their part-time job. The world of employment can teach children skills that they simply do not get the chance to learn at school. For example, many part-time jobs involve dealing with customers. This can be a great confidence booster for teens who are not used to speaking with strangers. Having these skills is also likely to aid them in any future search of employment.

In addition, part-time jobs can help teenagers to gain valuable experience. “Experience” is a buzzword for many recruiting employers and many are impressed with youngsters who can obtain a decent reference from even the most unskilled jobs. Having a long term part-time job experience shows the employers that the candidate in question has a reasonable time-management skill.

Furthermore, children can learn money management skills from their employment. Learning how to budget properly is arguably one of the most important skills a teenager can learn before being sent off into the big wide world alone. It could be argued that the only way to do that is to let them go out and earn it themselves. This will hopefully save them from coming back to Mum or Dad for financial help later on in their lives.

To conclude, although decent results throughout higher education are undeniably important to the development of a child and their aspirations, the benefits of having a part-time job are tremendous.