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Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:26 pm
by Muxtar
Hello everyone,

Please listen to my record and grade it

Re: Movie

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 2:52 am
by lmoore
Hi, Muxtar,
I like your introduction, “I want to talk about. . .” This was a nice lead-in to your talk. You speak fluently overall throughout this piece, but watch out for those “uhs.”
Here are a few grammar pieces that you might want to watch out for:
1.) I can tell you about a brief summary – This should be, “I can give you a brief summary.”
2.) This movie encourage people – This should be, “This movie encourages people. . .” Subject/verb agreement is important.
3.) I have fascinated by - This should be, “I have been fascinated by” or “I was fascinated by.”
4.) Can be able to won a prize for special effects – This should be, “This film could win a prize for special effects.”
5.) If you want to achieve in your way – You might consider, “If you want to achieve your goals. . .”
6.) Can be to victim – Consider, “Life is just a choice whether you become a victim or what you would like to be.”
7.) Confusion with the he/she pronoun – I think you were talking about the actor or the director, but you became confused for a few seconds about whether you should use he or she.
Keep practicing! You’re doing fine!

Re: Movie

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:18 am
by Muxtar
Thanks Imoore.I appreciate your attention to my records