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CHildren's use of Internet. Pls Assess!! Thanks!

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 4:48 am
by plin0627
Many young people have unsupervised access to the Internet and are using the Internet to socialise with others. This has can lead to a number of dangerous situations which can be threatening for children.
What problems do children face when going online without parental supervision? How can these problems be solved?

The easy access to the Internet, especially when young children are not supervised by families, might cause harmful situations on them. Numerous problems such as safety and cyberbullying are in fact threatening our children’s life.

Among the phenomenon that children encounter when they are leaving unsupervised in accessing the Internet, safety is the utmost concern that every parent should take into account. The exposure of children’s privacy will attract such criminals as kidnappers when these offenders can easily and freely obtain or even locate a child’s availability. For instance, the option of “check-in” and bibliography on the social networks allow the criminals reach the child quickly. Such has had led to life -threatening situations to the vulnerable children.

Another dangerous situation involves the cyberbullying. Statistically, cyberbullying has raised enormous threats on children. Cyberbully includes sending harmful and hateful messages, posting comments, spreading lies or even death threats to the young ones. Moreover, unlike schoolyard bullying, parents and teachers can hardly intervene and it often takes a long for the adults to realise it.

It is, therefore, parents and school authorities should collaborate in addressing these issues. At home, families ought to control and watch their children’s online activities. They can also limit children’s usage, with not exceeding 2 hours daily. The family members should also educate the young children by evaluating and explaining the pros and cons of making friends online. Furthermore, schools must foster the education of the use of world wide web on their students during the IT classes.

In conclusion, these problems are indeed serious. But they can also be tackled promptly with the corporation between the parents and schools through appropriate and proper education and supervision.

Re: CHildren's use of Internet. Pls Assess!! Thanks!

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 8:43 pm
by Flick
plin0627 wrote:Many young people have unsupervised access to the Internet and are using the Internet to socialise with others. This has can lead to a number of dangerous situations which can be threatening for children.
What problems do children face when going online without parental supervision? How can these problems be solved?

The easy access to the Internet, especially when young children are not supervised by families, might cause harmful situations on them.(<--Reword to: "The ease of access to the the Internet by unsupervised, younger children could lead to harmful situations.") Numerous problems such as safety and cyber-bullying are, in fact, threatening our children’s lives.

Of all the phenomenon that children encounter when they are left unsupervised while accessing the Internet, safety is the utmost concern that every parent should take into account. The exposure of children’s privacy will attract such criminals as kidnappers when these offenders can easily and freely obtain or even locate a child’s availability. For instance, the option of “check-in” and bibliography on various social networks allow the criminals to reach the child quickly. This could lead to life-threatening situations for vulnerable children.

Another dangerous situation involves cyber-bullying. Statistically, cyber-bullying has raised enormous threats to children. Cyber-bullying includes sending harmful and hateful messages, posting comments, spreading lies or even death threats against younger people. Moreover, unlike schoolyard bullying, parents and teachers can hardly intervene and it often takes a long time for the adults to realise it is occurring.

It is, therefore, recommended that parents and school authorities should collaborate in addressing these issues. At home, families ought to control and watch their children’s online activities. They can also limit children’s usage, for example, not exceeding 2 hours daily. The family members should also educate the young children by evaluating and explaining the pros and cons of making friends online. Furthermore, schools must foster the education of the use of the world wide web to their students during IT classes.

In conclusion, these problems are indeed serious. But they can also be tackled promptly with cooperation between parents and schools through appropriate and proper education and supervision.

Re: CHildren's use of Internet. Pls Assess!! Thanks!

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 10:45 pm
by plin0627
Thanks Flick! I just felt something was wrong with my grammar but couldn't sort it out before. The whole essay sounds smoother now! :)

Re: CHildren's use of Internet. Pls Assess!! Thanks!

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 11:09 pm
by plin0627
Hi Flick,

one question is that is it not possible to use "one/ones" for people/things in ielts essay?

Please help clarify. Thanks!