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Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:08 pm
by Muxtar
Hello everyone,

Please listen to my record and grade it

Re: City

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:15 pm
by lmoore
Hi, Muxtar,

Overall, your speaking was fluent, although you used a lot of "uhs" when you didn't know what to say next. Also, you used some good vocabulary words, like fascinating, inhabitants, landscape, etc. You also used some good transitions, such as moreover and as I noted. These help to connect ideas for the listener.

Here are some ideas for improvement:

1.) Be careful with prepositions - You said, "It took me one hour to visit into the city center. . .by car." You don't need "into" here.
2.) Repeating words - A few times, you said the same words or phrases over and over. It is important to learn synonyms for words, especially adjectives like beautiful (or nouns like beauty), awesome and fascinated/fascinating, so that you are not repeating yourself.
3.) Unclear meanings - A couple of times, I think you chose a word or two that made your meaning unclear. For example, you said "city was settling by the trees," and "more than 400 millions." I think you meant, "The city was situated by trees," and "more than 4 million." At the end, I think you said "convenience," when you likely meant "convenient" as well. These mishaps can make it difficult for the listener to understand you.
4.) Dropping the article - You often did not put the word "the" in front of the word city when it was needed. Don't forget to use the articles a, an and the with specific nouns.

Best wishes as you continue to practice!

Re: City

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:40 am
by Muxtar
hi, i meant that city was surrounded by the trees.thanks again :))