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Today more people are travelling than ever before .

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 3:58 pm
by Prashant Hirani
Today more people are travelling than ever before .
Why is this the case ?
What are the benefits of the travelling for the traveller?

Travelling rate of people has been increased at an alarming rate all over the world in last decade. Now, with the technological advancements, cheaper flight, and ever increasing awareness towards other states and countries, the world has become a smaller place. The following essay will discuss the reasons behind increased travelling and their benefits.

To commence with, there are various reasons why the travelling activities have been significantly increased in the past recent years. Firstly, the cut-throat competition of aviation sector has brought down the ticket prices to an extent that it is now affordable to all classes of people. Secondly, to pursue higher education many students from the developing countries travel to the developed countries. Furthermore, emergency medical treatment forces individuals to travel to the metropolitan cities or to the countries with the advanced medical facilities. All these reasons make it clear that why there is an increase in the number of travellers as compared to the yesteryears.

It is undeniable that travelling activities bring a lot of benefits for the travellers themselves. First of them is to learn different culture and their customs and trades which is very important in today's era of globalisation. Another benefit of travelling is to get relaxed and get rejuvenate for the upcoming tight schedule. Travelling for the technical conferences and education purposes helps individual in up-to-date with the most recent technologies and for better future prospects respectively.

In the light of above discussion, in my viewpoint, it is true that in today's modern era people have to travel frequently to suffice their educational, medical and financial needs and travelling to the other parts of the world gives the first-hand experience to learn new things.

Re: Today more people are travelling than ever before .

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 8:52 pm
by Flick
Prashant Hirani wrote:Today more people are travelling than ever before .
Why is this the case ?
What are the benefits of the travelling for the traveller?

The number of people travelling around the world has been increased at an alarming rate over the last decade. Now, with the technological advancements, cheaper flights, and ever-increasing awareness towards other states and countries, the world has become a smaller place. The following essay will discuss the reasons behind increased travelling and their benefits.

Firstly, there are various reasons why travelling activities have significantly increased in recent years. Firstly, cut-throat competition in the aviation sector has brought down the ticket prices to an extent that it is now affordable to all classes of people. Secondly, to pursue higher education, many students from developing countries travel to more developed countries. Furthermore, emergency medical treatment forces individuals to travel to metropolitan cities or to countries with advanced medical facilities. All these reasons make it clear why there is an increase in the number of travellers as compared to previous decades.

It is undeniable that travelling brings many benefits to the travellers themselves. First of all is the opportunity to learn different cultures and customs. Trade, which is very important in today's era of globalisation, is also greatly benefited by travel. Another benefit of travelling is the chance to relax and rejuvenate before upcoming busy times. Travelling for technical conferences and education purposes helps individuals remain up-to-date with the most recent technologies and for better future prospects respectively.

In light of the above discussion, in my viewpoint, it is true that in today's modern era, people have to travel frequently to meet their educational, medical and financial needs, and travelling to the other parts of the world gives first-hand experience to learn new things.