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Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:23 am
by qowlaks
The given bar chart compares how much people who are 16 to 24 in England spend their spare time on healthy activity by gend
er. It is immediately clear that the women in the chart are less energetic than the men.

There is a remarkable gap between the percentages of men and women who prefer not to participate in sport in their free time. Nearly a half of young women devote no time at all to active leisure pursuits while this applies to only approximately a quarter of young men. As for very active young people, there is a similar gap. The figure for young women investing 7 hours or over a week in sport is only 5 per cent, which is four times as less as young men.

On the other hand, people who dedicate between 1 and 3 hours per week account for the same proportion, just over a fifth.

In conclusion, the fact that only two-fifths of young women spend on hour or more a week on sport, compared to about two-thirds of young men raises questions about how fit young women are in comparison to young men.