Should doctors get more pay than actors????

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Should doctors get more pay than actors????

Post by ucheoma »

some feel that certain workers like Nurses,Doctors and Teachers are undervalued and should be paid more especially when other people like film actors are paid huge sums of money that are out of proportion to the importance of the work they do.

How far do you agree?
What criteria should be used to decide how much people are paid.
You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence

The trend in today’s Labour market sees professionals like nurses and doctors underestimated in preference to less skilled workers like actors as well as the remuneration of the latter paid in excess compared to the former. It is agreed that this isn’t the right thing to do as professionals spend more years studying and their job is considered more essential for the community. The yardstick for payment of wages should be based on how important a workers job is as well as the number of years he spent studying. These view points will be discussed in this essay

The training as a medical doctor or a nurse takes some donkey years. This is because the job of a doctor or a nurse is considered significant as it has to do with savings life. A little mistake can decide if a patient lives or dies. For an instance I spent over ten years to train as a medical practitioner which involved 8 years of didactic lectures, one year of clinical training and another one year of unpaid services to my community. Also, the services of health workers requires them to spend more time at work and also to be more careful as their job involves a lot of scrutiny and also vulnerable to litigation. Hence, it becomes imperative that specialist should receive more pay than other unskilled workers.
The benchmark for paying salaries should be judged on how important an employers services are to the community and the number of years spent studying. The doctors and nurses match this criterion as they spend more years in school and also their services are so invaluable to the society. It is so disheartening to find unskilled people like actors or company administrative officers offered huge amount of salary. For example, in Nigeria workers are paid a range of 150 to 300 thousand naira while film actors whom perhaps didn’t attend the university are paid almost a million naira, an amount that is quadruple of the professionals.

To conclude,I firmly agree that experts like doctors and nurses should receive a better pay for their essential services to the society and also for the fact they spend more years to train in school. This should be the criteria for selecting what should be paid to whosoever is working
IELTS Examiner
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Re: Should doctors get more pay than actors????

Post by David.IELTS.Examiner »


Unfortunately, you have made the big mistake that most other people will make with this topic - you assume that all actors are well-paid! You also assume that all doctors are badly paid.

How do we measure the importance of a person's job? In Vietnam, many people believe that a street cleaner does a more important job than doctors. (This is an important point to answer because you do state later than unskilled workers should be paid less.)

If we base salary on how long people study, then do we pay people more if they fail their medical exams and have to retake them? Would this policy simply encourage acting schools to make courses longer?

If we're talking about saving lives, how do we measure the influence of a teacher who tells children about home safety? How about the electrician who rewires your home?

How do we measure benefit to a community? Under this rule, imams in Saudi Arabia (or Nigeria) would presumably earn more then doctors.

Doctors are generally covered by insurance, so the litigiation aspect is unclear.

Why do you consider actors to be unskilled? Could you do their job? Tom Cruise is paid a lot of money to appear in films because people are happy to pay money to see him in films. Not everyone in a Tom Cruise film earns the same as Tom.

Overall, you have used some very good grammar and vocabulary, but have failed to create a reasoned argument. If you hadn't missed the key point I mentioned at the beginning, I think you could have created a very good essay.

All the best,
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