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Inventors are not as important to society as doctors. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 1:46 pm
by Prashant Hirani
These days, debates have been doing all around the world on importance of inventors and doctors into a human society. Many people feel that inventors should be given higher weight into society as they are the creators of the world while many others argue that as doctors are savings valuable human lives and hence, they should be given top most priority into mankind. This essay will discuss significance of both inventors and doctors before drawing any logical conclusion.

On the one hand, there are enormous reasons on why society should respect inventors more. The most important point to make here is easiness of human lives. For example, investors have invested electricity which helped humans to come out from the world of darkness. Another plus point is technological advancement. For instance, airplanes made it possible to reach to the other part of the world within hours of time, and ships made it possible to carry out goods from one place to another place to suffice demand and supply ratios of different countries. This makes it clear that how inventors are playing an important role for the betterment of society eversince the existence of human.

Doctors, on the other hand, save lives. They train for many years and they develop knowledge and skills that ordinary people do not have. If we get ill, we need someone who knows what is wrong and can tell us what medicine to take. If we go to hospital, we expect doctors to look after us. Everyone depends on doctors in this way all through their life. This shows why doctors needs to be given utmost preference into humankind.

As the above discussion shows, both inventors and doctors are an integral part of the society as they helps country by investing consistently things that human needs and by savings invaluable human lives respectively. I personally feel, they are equally important and have to be given equal priorities into society.

Can someone please help to evaluate above essay ?

Re: Inventors are not as important to society as doctors. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 8:35 pm
by tur_0197
What about the question I don't understand

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