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how to find out idea to write?

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 6:32 am
by namkeotn
My writing skill in ielts about 5.0 ielts. When i have a question in task 2 , i feel difficult to think of an idea to write. Anybody can help me how to think or find out the way express task 2. Thanks for your help!

Re: how to find out idea to write?

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:26 am
by mhingz
What I always do after reading (understanding) the essay question is:
1.start jotting down key ideas relating to the topic to be discussed or argued.
2.Answer the Essay Question (also making key notes of the idea)

For example:
It is inevitable that as technology advances, traditional cultures will be lost. It seems that we cannot have these two things together.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

My notes:
1. technology (computers, internet, smart phone)
traditional cultures (local language, local/traditional clothing, local/traditional foods, traditional means of communication)

2. Finally, should i agree or disagree? (if tech and trad. culture cannot be together)
If yes: why, sample (notes)
If no: why, sample (notes)

Im not an expert in writing essay so i cant assure you that my strategies works.
I hope this helps.


Re: how to find out idea to write?

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:04 am
by namkeotn
Thank for Mhingz, After reading tips of you. I think after i understand task 2, i need to about 5 minute in order to create outline for writing.
Anybody can show me others useful tips.

Re: how to find out idea to write?

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:47 am
by mhingz
namkeotn wrote:Thank for Mhingz, After reading tips of you. I think after i understand task 2, i need to about 5 minute in order to create outline for writing.
Anybody can show me others useful tips.
just make sure to practice the actual essay question and work on the quality of your essay first as what Ryan has been teaching us. You can work on the speed later.

Re: how to find out idea to write?

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:48 am
by robdrake
mhingz is right,

just keep practice writing, the more you write, the easier those ideas will come to you. As many any ideas can be recycled.

Re: how to find out idea to write?

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:11 am
by shishanimakharbi
Mainly you have to become expert in explaining common things. Read junk mail, Watch awful TV shows and ask why they appeal to anyone. Try to view the peoples life in a different point of views. Let you see the world more.

Re: how to find out idea to write?

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:53 am
by shishanimakharbi
Coherence and cohesion includes the logical connection between the paragraphs. Grammatical range and accuracy is important but IELTS is much more interested in communication rather than grammar. Task 2, that is academic writing test is more important than task 1. It includes essay and you must write at least 250 words. They grades your essay paper by looking content.

Re: how to find out idea to write?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:14 pm
by beaconenglish
Just to follow up on the last point:

Essays are marked on Task Response (Task 2) or Task Achievement (Task 1), Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource (your range of vocabulary) and Grammatical Range and Accuracy. These bands are equally-weighted for each task, so you need to work on each of these areas to maximise your score.

I really recommend all IELTS candidates study the band descriptors (the marking scheme). The one used by the examiner is a bit more detailed than this, but the public descriptors for Task 2 are available here:

and Task 1 here:

If you can understand the descriptors- and you may need a teacher to help you with this- then you can see roughly where your work is and what you need to do to achieve a higher score in each area.

I'm happy to answer specific questions on this.