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Kindly assess my writing.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 7:55 am
by Dr.Khurram
The threat of nuclear weapons maintains the world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far out-weight the disadvantages.
Do you agree or disagree?

In the last few decades, nuclear technology has become center of attention, all over the world. Many commentators are of the view that nuclear power plants are cheap source of energy and threat of nuclear war is covertly playing active role in maintaining the world peace, however other analysts defend the idea that there are numerous drawbacks of actively employing this technology. I strongly opine that, if only used for peaceful purposes, this innovation will play marvelous role in many ways.

Firstly, it is undeniable fact that nuclear plants are comparatively difficult to operate but they are unquestionably cheap source of energy as compared to other means. The common illustration often cited is that it costs relatively more to produce electricity from fossil fuel plants than from nuclear plants. Moreover, burning fossil fuels produce far more toxic gases and air pollution as compared to radioactive material. Furthermore, nothing can detract from the central fact that increasing oil prices and substantial decline in overall reserves of fossil fuels, further support the recent inclination towards nuclear technology. Last but not the least, it is not unreasonable to suggest that threat of nuclear war is playing pivotal role in saving countries from bigger calamities and conflicts.

Contrary to the aforementioned arguments, few people contend that nuclear weapons are constant threat to the humanity and it is totally imprudent to overlook this matter of paramount importance. Firstly, this radioactive material is not only used in nuclear power plants but also for development of nuclear weapons such as atomic bomb and hydrogen bombs. This sort of technology is capable of jeopardizing the very existence of human beings. For instance, atomic bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused more than hundred thousand casualties. Moreover, mention should also be made of the nuclear waste produced by these nuclear power plants, which, if not properly disposed can contaminate the soil.

In conclusion, Although use of nuclear technology has both positive and negative implications, but if it is only employed for peaceful purposes , its advantages easily outweigh the disadvantages.

Re: Kindly assess my writing.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:10 pm
by David.IELTS.Examiner

Nuclear power is not 'unquestionably' cheap. The actual generation, yes, but remember to factor in the cost of building and demolishing the power station. Add on the costs of disposing of waste material. Then, if there is an accident ...

However, overall, this is a good essay, with clear points and a high level and range of grammar and vocab.

Well done!