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Please review Task 2 for GT and rate.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 8:03 am
by DJvj
It's believed that there should be a specific punishment for each type of crime. Some, however, think that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motives for committing it should always be taken into account when deciding what the punishment should be.
Discuss both of these two views and give your own opinion.

Over the years, the crime rate has been increased significantly. People are indulging themselves into various crimes and ended up being behind the bars. However, some people think the punishment of the crime should vary accordingly.

In most of the cases crime is being done in gaining self-interest or taking revenge from others. Every accused case has to be scrutinized carefully and motive behind is understood before announcing the verdict. Every country has its own law and authorities to decide the punishment on a case basis. For instance, a pick pocketing done by a juvenile should not be awarded the same punishment as murdering someone. It really helps as in some cases after putting accused in a re-habitation program helps them in realizing the mistake they did and helps them in overcome.

On the other side, specific punishment should be given to each type of crime. However, there are laws where an accused found guilty should be awarded punishment accordingly. For e.g. a rider who has caught off jumping a signal has to pay off a fine of some x amount to the state police department based on the amount of fine defined as per law. By doing so it really helps in understanding the implication of doing a crime and makes the accused cautious too.

To conclude, crime needs to be thoroughly checked before the punishment is given by authorities as crime is crime and there is nothing above law.


Appreciate your feedback.